Web-O-Rama Order Form Web-O-Rama Professional on CD (full set-up) ... $25.00 Web-O-Rama Professional .exe-only e-mailed to you (includes Help file; requires that you already have the latest version of Web-O-Rama Standard installed) ... $20.00 Web-O-Rama Standard on CD ... $15.00 Web-O-Rama Standard on floppy disk ... $9.00 Total: $_________ [Please print legibly] Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ________________ E-mail Address (very important): ___________________ Mail to Kevin Gunn P.O. Box 442155 Lawrence KS 66044-8933 To speed delivery, please e-mail me at kgunn@cjnetworks notifying me you have placed an order. Allow 2--4 weeks for processing and delivery. E-mail me at kgunn@cjnetworks.com if you become concerned about the delay.