Linux Mandrake 5.3 (Festen)

The contents of this CD-ROM are Copyright (C) 1999 Mandrakesoft S.A. and others. Please see the individual copyright notices in each source package for distribution terms. The distribution terms of the tools copyrighted by Mandrakesoft and Red Hat Software are as noted in the file COPYING.

Mandrake and its logo are trademarks of Mandrakesoft SA.

Red Hat, RPM, and glint are trademarks of Red Hat Software, Inc.



This directory is organized as follows:

|----> Mandrake
   |----> RPMS    -- binary packages
   |----> base    -- small filesystem setup archives
   |----> instimage    -- image used for graphical installs
|----> images    -- boot and ramdisk images
|----> dosutils    -- installation utilities for DOS
|----> doc    -- various FAQs and HOWTOs
|----> misc    -- source files, install trees
|----> apps    -- various applications
|----> COPYING    -- copyright information
|----> README    -- this file
|----> RPM-PGP-KEY-MANDRAKE    -- PGP signature for packages from Mandrakesoft
|----> RPM-PGP-KEY    -- PGP signature for packages from Red Hat

If you are mirroring to a partition or an NFS volume, you'll need to get everything under Mandrake/, as well as the disk images from images that you need for your system.



If you are installing this release via ftp, off of a hard drive, or through a PCMCIA card, you need both a boot disk and a supplemental disk. If you are installing via NFS or CDROM without using a PCMCIA adapter you only need a boot disk. If you did not receive floppy disks with this product, the images for these disks are in the images directory. Either the rawrite program in the dosutils directory or 'dd' under any Unix like system can be used to transfer the image to physical floppies. Once the diskettes are made, insert the boot disk and boot your machine.



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If you did not receive documentation with this product, you can order the manual from Mandrakesoft.

Mandrakesoft can be reached at: