[ #titre1 Katzbach August-26 1813 #normal Player two you are Blutcher and a combined prusiian/russian army is under your command. #normal At the end of the summer Armistice Napoleon decided to strike first at your army (allied army of Silesia). Under your command, you have Yorck's Prussian corps and the Russian corps of St. Priest, Langeron and Sacken.Wisely you fell back towards Breslau in the face of this advance. On the 22nd Napoleon received word that the Allied Army of Bohemia was advancing on Dresden. He left McDonald with 3 infantry corps and 1 cavalry corps before your army rushed back to Dresden. Learning of Napoleon's departure you resolved to take the offensive. However, Macdonald seems to had continued to advance and in heavy rain the main forces have collided today between Christianhohe and Hermannsdorf. The battle is so a typical meeting engagement and you must destroy enemy forces or at least hold the ground. You need to hold the heights around Chrisitanhohe and push onto Nieder Crayn, Tinz and Janowitz to prevent further French units making it onto the Plateau. A victory here could be decisive as the French up on the Plateau are fighting with a river against their backs. Meanwhile the line Schlaupe - Hennersdorf -Hermannsdorf must be held to prevent the French from rolling up the Allied left and rear. [