[ #titre1 WATERLOO - June-18, 1815 Epilog #normal In the hitorical reality, Jerome's division was ordered to create a diversion by attacking Hougoumont. But Jerome transforms this diversion in a bloody offensiv. The main attack begun by 13:00 PM against the english center after a long but not very useful artillery preparation. The divisions Marcognet and Donzelot knock against the dutch-belgian brigade of Bylandt but are stoped by the highlanders of Picton. A furious charge of the english cavalry puts the disorder into the french colums but the most part of the cavalry is then destroyed by the french cavalry. A second attack against La Haye-Sainte failed. By 15:00 PM, Ney decided to launch a major heavy cavalry charge. But without infantry support, this charge brok on the english squares. At the same time, the prussian army of Blutcher has begun to arrive at the East. The VIth Corps and the Young Guard are sent to stop it. At about 18, La haye-Sainte fall and the english center is in a bad situation, but prussian renforcement arrive just in time. By 19:00 PM, Napoleon plays his last card : the Old Guard attacks the english center, but it is stoped by the foot guards and some dutch-belgian fresh troops. The french army disintegrated then together with Napoleon's hopes. [