[ #titre1 Wagram - Jully-6 1809 Epilog #normal In the historical reality, the batlle begin by the double offensiv of Archduke Charles. But, poorly coordinated, this attack is stop by Davout in the north and by Massena in the south. The only limited succes is the rout of the saxon corps, very badly commanded by Bernadotte, but the french cavalry and a large battery blocked up the hole. Davout began then to push the austrians toward Wagram while MacDonald was order to attack the austrian center. At 15, Archduke Charles ordered a progressiv retreat. The french army was too tired to pursue the enemy and the austrian army could withdraw in good order. Wagram is one of the largest Napoleonic battle with 320000 engaged men. For both side, the looses were very high : a total of about 70000 men. After the battle, Charles was discouraged and finaly, october the 14th, Austria signed the capitulation. [