[ #titre1 Vitoria - June-21 1813 Epilog #normal The battle has been fought in poor condition for the frenchs, due to the incompetence of the french head quarter. No real plan was established, no measure have been tacken to destroy the bridges and most of the units were not correctly deployed when the battle started. The french have been then subjected to the day and have not been able to take the initiative. The battle begins in the South where the french are repulsed. Puebla is lost and the allied progression cannot be stopped. Elsewhere, the Rio Zadorra is easily crossed by the column of Welligton that can attack the Alto de Jundiz. But Dalhousie has lost his way and take so time to attack from the North. Meanwhile, Graham pushes Sarrut and attacks Durana and Arriaga. At about 10H00, the frenchs reacts by sending reinforcement to the threatened wings. No reserve is then avaiblable at the center. At 12h00, the french army is separate in two part: one part if face to the North and the second to the West. AT 13h00, Durana is lost with the road to Irun. To conserve the last retreat path Joseph orders a withdraw. Gazan precipitates his withdraw and the disorder increases. When the two retreating parts, pursued by the english cavalry, meets around Victoria, congested by many cars, the disorder becomes a general rout. The battle ends with a great allied victory: the frenchs lost 8000 men and all their artillery. The allies lost 5000 men but the pillage of the french stocks disperses 10000 men, which prevents an efficent pursuite and saves the french army from a complete destruction. [