[ #titre1 Lutzen - 2 May 1813 #normal Player two, you are Napoleon the 1st, emperor of the French, and the Grande Armee is under your command. Your reformed 'Grande Armee' had marched from Mainz in April and was now approaching both Leipzig (from the southwest) and Eugene's army that had been attempting to contain the Allied advance since March. The French army has very little cavalry was advancing virtually blind. Ney's (IIIrd) corps was tasked with protecting your right flank of the Grande Armee. Its lead elements are at Gorschen. Rather than scouting they had been busy foraging and consequently had little warning that an Allied assault was preparing against your flank. This morning, the main allied army is in sight, ready for the battle. You will have to hold the Allies at bay until the rest of the Grande Armee could come to your support: the Imperial Guard, the IVth Corps and the XIth corps are expected. The VIth corps was not far and is also coming from the North-West. [