[ #titre1 Liebertwolkwitz October-14 1813 #normal Player one you are Barclay de Tolly and the austrian corps of Klenau, the prussian corps of Kleist and the russian corps of Wittgenstein are under your command. Following the French defeat at Dennewitz (September 6) both sides considered their next move and there was little activity until the beginning of October. Napoleon pulled back behind the Elbe but refused to abandon Saxony and his bases at Dresden and Leipzig. By maintaining the central position he still hoped to crush one of the Allied armies before the others could come to its aid. The Allies needed to concentrate their armies but these were separated by the Elbe, the Army of Bohemia being on the left bank, the Armies of Silesia (Blucher) and the North (Bernadotte) on the right. On October 3 the Army of Silesia crossed the Elbe at Wartenberg despite a fierce defense by Bertand. The following day the Army of the North also crossed. Meanwhile, the Army of Bohemia advanced towards Leipzig. Napoleon struck out against Blucher and Bernadotte who fell back, refusing battle. On October 8 Bavaria changed sides, an action which made French communications with France extremely tenuous. Surely now Napoleon would abandon Germany and fall back to the Rhine? This morning Wittgenstein and the advance guard of the Army of Bohemia approached Leipzig from the south. You expected to encounter merely a small French rearguard, instead you ran into Murat with 3 infantry corps and 2 cavalry corps. Your objectiv is consequently to open the roads that lead to Leipzig - taking the villages of Liebertwolkwitz, Kleeberg, and Wauchau. [