[ #titre1 Leipzig (first day) October-16 1813 #normal Player one you are Napoleon, Emperor of the frenchs, and the great army is under your command. After Liebertwolkwitz it had become clear to both sides that the decisive battle (or battles) of the campaign would be fought in the vicinity of Leipzig. All available forces moved towards the city. By holding Leipzig you were still between the Allied armies and so had one last opportunity to crush one of them before the others could intervene. Your situation was however becoming extremely perilous. The gap between Schwarzenberg (Army of Bohemia) in the south and Blucher (Army of Silesia) to the north had narrowed significantly. Bernadotte is slowly moving to support Blucher. To the east Bennigsen with a new Russian army is approaching. To make matters worse Bavaria had defected to the Allies on October 8, threatening your supply lines. At Leipzig itself you have only a single line of communication back to the Rhine, this run west from the city across a narrow causeway and through the village of Lindenau. If the Allies can take Lindenau the entire Grande Armee will be trapped. Your last chance is probably to attemp to concentrate against one of the Allied armies (whilst defending against the others) and crush it, allowing tomorow the victorious units to mass against the other enemy forces, defeating these in turn. It is important to win today, as the number of ennemi will grow in the near futur. In addition, it is imperative that the Allies do not capture Lindenau. [