[ #titre1 Borodino - September 7th, 1812 Epilog #normal At 6 in the morning, the battle began by a heavy artillery fire and some french succeses : Prince Eugène's Italian divisions captured Borodino, Marshal Davout made progress with his assault on the Semenovskoe position and Poniatowski seized Utitza and a good part of the surrounding woods. Russian reserves were being committed in large numbers, and Kutuzov desperately began to withdraw many formations from his right wing to reinforce his left and center. This involved a huge time delay for the troops to march three miles across shot and shell, through smoke, and around and through other units. But a first attack on the Great Redoubt failed and Marshal Davout and Prince Poniatowski were stopped by russian forces. At 10:00 AM, the battle had become a meat-grinder, a struggle of attrition - with Napoléon holding only his Imperial Guard and cavalry as his sole reserves. By 12:00 PM Marshal Murat launched his heavy cavalry in force and overran the flèches. However, the Russians regrouped on the Psarevo plateau. By 3:00 PM the redoubt was now firmly in French hands after a succesfull attack of Eugene's corps supported by Caulaincourt's cavalry. At this moment, appeals for the Guard to advance and seize the center fell on deaf ears. By 3:30 PM, Kutuzov had ordered the Russian Imperial Guard Corps to counterattack in the center. But they are stopped by a the french artillery reserve. When the night come, the French have captured the entire Russian starting positions, but the latter have merely fallen back to their second line and both armies occupied the field. For each side, the looses was very high : 33,000 men for the frenchs and 44,000 for the russians. Overnight, Kutuzov decided to withdraw and to evacuate Moscow. Napoléon was left to occupy an almost empty city. [