[ #titre1 Bautzen - May-22 1813 #normal Player two, you are Wittgenstein and the Allied Army made of the main Russian army and two prussian corps are under your command. Although narrowly defeated at Lutzen you have decided to risk another battle. TYou have therefore halted your retreat at Bautzen and deployed your army in a strong defensive position, hoping it would be able to shatter the french army. On May 21 the french have launched a probing attack although their army was not yet fully concentrated. They have thus crossed the Spree and are in position to launch an all out assault today. In the same time, Ney has crushed your right, threating your communications with your main supply base at Breslau. By the end of the day the Allied 1st line had been driven and the second line, which ran from Reischen - Baschutz - Litten - must be hold at all cost today. Your position is very strong, much of it on heights overlooking the french army and bolstered by the many towns and villages in the area. There is however two problems with your position, it is rather too long for the number of troops available and is vulnerable to a turning movement (especially one from the north). Your only chance not to loose this campaign is to hold the ground and inflict heavy loses to the french army. [