101 Save the current game 102 Save the armies (use to build a scenario) 103 Load a scenario to start a new game 104 Load a saved game 105 Select an epoqu 106 Animation mode 107 Sound effects 108 View all animations 201 End current phase 202 Display victory conditions 301 Change zoom mode 302 Highlight pieces whitout order 303 Display visibility for the selected unit 304 Display influence zones for each army 306 Display or hide objectives 307 Display or hide pieces 308 Display grid 401 Display piece charateristics 402 Display a mini map 403 Display unit list for each side 601 About this program... 602 Display a summary of the modifiers for mouvements, melees, fires, moral tests etc... 603 Complete rules of the game 11842 Replay the last execution phase 11843 Set animation speed 11844 Display detection parameters 11845 Designing a new scenario 11846 Set the North-West point of the selected deployement zone 11847 Set the South-East point of the selected deployement zone 11848 Add or remove a normal objective 11849 Add or remove unit in the battle orders 11850 Save the current scenario 11852 Add or remove an existing supply point for side 2 11853 Add or remove an existing supply point for side 1 11854 Display the local player scores 18873 Allow player to view adversary moves 18874 Create a new Scenario 18875 Display reinforcement informations on map 18876 Modifying an existing scenario 18877 Call an off-map support for this area 18878 Epoch Parameters 18879 Connect throught Internet to a game hosted by a distant player 51682 View unit information or name 51683 Display unit information 51684 Call an off-map supprt for the selected area 51685 Divide selected unit in two sub-units 51686 Stop at end of turn to view computer moves 51687 Group seleted sub-unit with other associated sub-unit 51688 Dsiplay current victory levels 51689 Complete rules of the game 51692 Allow playerto modifie adversary moves 51694 Replay a previous game 51695 Display existing types for each side 51696 View class 51698 Set current unit's final direction 51699 Use NATO symbols 51700 Cancel current unit's action order 51701 Display unit surface in 2D (only for tactical period) 51702 Use shape symbols 51703 Give number of replacement points for each player 51704 Deploy current unit out of map 51705 View game configuration 51706 Toggle between 2D/3D view mode 51707 Set current unit's end direction 51708 Allow to modifie unit positions 51709 Change posture for current group 51710 Change fatigue of a unit 51711 Display results of the last execution phase 51712 Display automaticaly the results window after each execution phase 51713 Help on using the program 51714 Create a fictitious game 51715 Modifying an existing scenario 51716 Designing a new army for a fictitious game 51717 Modifying an existing army 51718 Display a blue/red cross into cover/forbidden squares 51719 Enable/disable mouse scrolling 51720 Modify an existing nation 51721 Design a new nation for an epoch 51722 Give number of replacement points for each player 51723 Give maximum number of chaff for each player 51724 Set unit engagement level to low 51725 Set unit engagement level to normal 51726 Set unit engagement level to high 51727 Display or hide map labels 51728 Display the informal description of the scenario for the current player 51729 View game configuration (selected optional rules...) 51730 Set current unit's action attitude to charge 51731 Set current unit's formation to column 51732 Display epoch parameters 51733 Connect through Internet to a game hosted by a distant player 51734 Set current unit's formation to square 51735 Set current unit's formation to line 51736 Oder current unit to reform 51737 Don't change cureent unit's formation 51738 Set current unit's movement type to withdraw 51739 Toggle display of chat dialog window 51740 Set current unit's attitude to hold 51741 Cast a spell 51742 Set current unit's attitude to evade 51743 Set current unit order to close order 51744 Set current unit order to skirmishing order 51745 Add or remove a permanent objective 51746 Add or remove a definitive objective 51747 Select air tranport unit to board current unit 51748 Help on using the program 51749 View units at their destinations