MORTIMER AND THE RIDDLES OF THE MEDALLION tm ReadMe File ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL STUFF (Let's get it out of the way first!) To run Mortimer, your computer must be up to the following snuff: Pentium WINDOWS 95 8 MB total RAM Double-speed CD-ROM drive 1. Before starting the game, we highly recommend that you SHUT DOWN ANY SCREEN SAVER PROGRAMS that you may have running, as they may interrupt the demo and bring you back to Windows. You should also shut down any other applications running so that Mortimer may take advantage of the maximum amount of memory available. 2. Joystick/Mouse controls: If you have a joystick plugged into your computer, Mortimer will automatically set itself up to take advantage of the joystick. To calibrate your joystick, click on the Start button on your Windows 95 Taskbar and select "Settings." Then, select "Control Panel" and look for the joystick icon that appears in the window. Double-click on that icon to start the calibration process. To RE-CALIBRATE, exit the game and follow the same process again. NOTE: You will still need your mouse for the INTERVIEWS part of the Mortimer game. Troubleshooting Joysticks: It is possible that you have a joystick plugged into your machine but that it is not being read by Windows95. If this is the case, you may get a message that says: "Your joystick is either not plugged in, or is not properly configured in the Windows 95 Control Panel. Do you wish to play using the mouse instead? (Y/N)." If you do not have a joystick, press Y to play with the mouse. If you DO have a joystick (and it's plugged in), press N, calibrate the joystick in the control panel, and restart Mortimer. Note: Do NOT move the joystick while starting the game. Doing so may result in mis-calibration while flying. 3. To START Mortimer: Double-click on the "My Computer" (may go by another name) icon on your desktop. Then, double click on the CD-ROM drive "Mortdemo" icon. From the CD window, double-click on the Mortimer application icon, which looks like a FLYING SNAIL. Then, follow the instructions that appear. Hot Keys: ESC - lets you jump through non-interactive cut-scenes Q or ALT-Q - quits the game SPACEBAR - pauses and unpauses the game Alt-J - switches to joystick control (for flight only) Alt-M - switches to mouse control (for flight only) Troubleshooting: 1. We recommend that, for this demo, you DO NOT USE the ALT/ESC or CTRL/ESC Windows 95 keystrokes. We have found some incompatibilities with those commands in the demo. 2. Use ESC at any time to advance to the next sequence of the demo or to troubleshoot any sound issues that may occur. Note, you cannot skip ahead in the interview screen, since you must answer a riddle at that point. If you pause the game but cannot "unpause" it, use the ESC key to do so. 3. You cannot quit the demo while animals are talking in the interview screen. If you'd like to quit at that time, simply wait until the animals have finished speaking, then press the Q or ALT-Q keys. 4. We have found that some newer STB Video Cards are not yet supported by the Windows 95 Game SDK and, in order to run Mortimer, must be run in 256 Color Mode Only. If you experience graphic corruption in the game, try running in 256 Color Mode. You may change your color settings by pressing the START key on the desktop and selecting SETTINGS, then CONTROL PANEL, then DISPLAY. Once you are in the DISPLAY screen, choose the SETTINGS tab at the top and change your COLOR PALETTE to 256 Colors. Then, try running Mortimer again. ------------- FUN STUFF What does the player do? You play Sally, the pilot of Mortimer, a hi-tech flying snail. You fly Mortimer through many worlds, rescuing animals and solving riddles. Your ultimate goal is to get all the pieces of the medallion, defeat Lodius, and return to Lazlow's mushroom. Fun Facts to know about the demo: • You play Sally. In the real game, you'll get to choose Sid or Sally. • There will be four more worlds in the final game. The demo shows part of the Savanna level. • There will be many more riddles in the final game - some hard, some easy, and some that are jusssttt right. • There will be levels of difficulty in the final game, with high scores and awards at the end. What can I see in the demo? I. OPENING MOVIE Here's where you meet our heroes: Sally, Sid, Mortimer, and Lazlow. Lazlow tells Sid and Sally the story of the medallion. It has magical powers that protect all living creatures in Lazlow's world. The evil Lodius, Lazlow's former apprentice, stole it from him and used it to steal all the powers from the animals and "freeze" them in their natural habitats. When he did so, the medallion shattered into several pieces that scattered throughout the world. As the hero of this story, Sally (or Sid) has one day to find all the pieces and put the medallion back together. To accomplish this goal, Lazlow recruits his trusty friend Mortimer, a giant snail with a hi-tech shell. You'll fly Mortimer throughout the different worlds, saving animals along the way. II. FLYING THROUGH THE SAVANNA Hey, what the heck are those animal crackers? Those are the animals that Lodius has turned to stone. Use your Revitascope to return them to their former selves. What's that attacking you? Those are Salt Shaker Hornets, some of Lodius' salty minions. They'll toss salt your way in an attempt to fizz your slimy companion. Help! What do I do? Slime 'em with your patented Slimetron Muckchucker 2000, Mortimer's built-in defense mechanism! What happens if they get me first? You'll take SHELL SHOCKS, of course. Salt and clumsy flying can wear out Mortimer. Lazlow's balloon full of lettuce can help you get your strength back. Be sure to SCOPE it! NOTE: If you take too many shell shocks, you'll be sent back to the beginning of that flying section. So be careful! What are those coins? For every animal you save, you earn precious Glow Stones (the coin-shaped things in the transparent ball on the right side of the cockpit.) You'll need these later. You'll also see an icon of an animal appear in the cockpit, letting you know what you just saved. III. TALKING TO ANIMALS (and Gates) OK, ride's over. Hey, what's this weird screen? That's your INTERVIEW SCREEN. Here, you'll be able to talk to the animals you rescued and find out information about each of them. You'll want to do this for the fun of it AND because you have to answer the riddle of the gate. Riddle of the Gate: Every gate's got a riddle, the answer to which is an animal in the level. Click the "Riddle" button to hear the riddle. Click the "Solve" button to answer it. Each guess will cost you a few Glow Stones. But no matter how many Glow Stones you've got, you still only have THREE GUESSES before the gate will make you fly the level again to save more animals. Hey, you're a hero, remember? How to talk to the animals: If I could talk to the animals . . . Hey, wait, I CAN! Choose an animal by selecting an animal icon at the bottom. Then, ask that animal a question by choosing one of the three in the center of the screen. Repeat this process until you think you know the answer to the riddle. How to answer the riddle: Click on the SOLVE button and then choose the animal you wish to use as your answer by clicking on that animal. Once you've clicked on the animal, wait a second, and then you'll hear Sally giving your answer. NOTE: If you didn't scope every animal in sight, you may not have saved the one that's the answer to the riddle. If an animal silhouette isn't filled in, then you know there's still an animal out there who needs your help! You also need some Glow Stones, which you can get as you save more animals. Click on FLY AWAY to go back and scope some more animals and get more Glow Stones. The Gate: The gate will appear again, this time full-sized, when you answer the riddle correctly. It will open, thereby giving you access to the next world (but there's only one world in this demo.) It will also give you the piece of the medallion it's guarding. IV. ENDING MOVIE Sally and Mortimer are at Lodius' castle. You'll see Sally climb the stairs to the last gate and the final piece of the medallion. When she gets the riddle right, the mirror shatters! Mortimer admires himself in one of Lodius' many mirrors. As he does so, a shadowy figure rises up behind him. It's Lodius! Help! They're in trouble . . . ! ---------------------------- Glossary: Gate: Each world has a guardian - an enormous gate that protects the world from further harm by Lodius. The Gate holds a piece of the medallion. Answer its riddle correctly and you'll get its medallion piece as well as passage to the next world. Glow Stones: You get these when you rescue an animal. You'll save them up to earn chances at solving the riddle of the Gate. Interview Screen: Use this screen to talk to the animals and solve the riddles of the gates. Revitascope: Lazlow's patented device for restoring the animals to their original states. Mortimer's got it built into his shell. Shell Shocks: Mortimer's damage meter. He'll get roughed-up by salty enemies and clumsy flying. Slimetron Muckchucker 2000 - Mortimer's defense mechanism against salty enemies. ---------------------------------- Happy Scoping! The Mortimer Team Watch for MORTIMER on shelves in a store near you this Spring! [from Virmall 1.94] Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion game © 1996 LucasArts Entertainment Company. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. Mortimer, and Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion are trademarks, and the LucasArts logo is a registered trademark, of LucasArts Entertainment Company. iMUSE U.S. Patent No. 5,315,057.