Backup controls and options

From the Dashboard, users can manipulate and adjust their backups with the following controls.  

"Run backup" controls

Run now: Force a backup to run at any time.

Run in Turbo Mode: Selecting this mode will enable the backup to run faster by using more computer resources.

Run in Smart Mode: Selecting this mode will optimize Genie Timeline's resources to run the backup faster or slower based on how the computer resources are utilized, and will adjust its speed based on free resources; faster backups when computer is idle, slower backups when you are working.

Pause Backup: Do not run backup for the time being. Genie Timeline will resume backup automatically after a Windows reboot.

Resume Backup: Let backup run.

Restore, manage backup, and tools

In this section, users can take action in:

Restoring backups

This can be performed from:

Manage Backups

Under this section, users can:


Users have the ability to:

Search Backup

From the top-right corner of the Dashboard, users can search all or part of a file name included in the backup. A web browser page will open with search results.