What's new

Disaster Recovery

Restore your system and data even if your operating system no longer loads

Smart Mode

Auto-adjust memory and CPU based on your computer usage.

Turbo Mode

Control your backups to run faster with full speed mode

Power Saving Mode

Saves power when running on batteries, stops when critical.

Game/Movie mode

Pauses and prevents pop-ups while playing games, watching movies or presentations.

Run now

Force a backup to run

Parallel block level

Enhanced processing for faster block level backups

Exclude from backup with a click

Simply right click any file on your computer to exclude from backup.

Limit drive space for backups

Dedicate how much space Genie Timeline uses on the selected drive.

Backup markers

Files are stamped with identifiers to show their status.

Explore Timeline

Browse a ”Timeline view” of the location you are in.

Native Backup

Access any version of backed up files without the need of Genie Timeline software.

Show Versions

Undo mistakes by reverting to an older version of the file with a right click.

Backup History

View and search what files were backed up and when.

Backup Overview

A log report of data selections and backup configuration.

Backup Breakdown

Informative charts to get a clear picture and understand details of what is being backed up.


Click on the agent to take a glance at the protection level and backup status with quick access to control your backup runs.

Backup on your schedule

Use a specified time interval to backup.