1 GSService::Install, Failed call to open SCM, Error:%1 2 GSService::Install, Failed call to lock SCM, Error:%1 3 GSService::Install, Failed call to CreateService, Error:%1 4 GSService::Install, Failed call to install service as an event log source, Error:%1 5 GSService::Uninstall, Failed call to open SCM, Error:%1 6 GSService::Uninstall, Failed call to OpenService, Error:%1 7 GSService::Uninstall, Failed call to WaitForStop, Error:%1 8 GSService::Uninstall, Failed call to DeleteService, Error:%1 9 GSService::Uninstall, Failed call to remove service as an event log source, Error:%1 10 Failed to start the service, Error:%1 11 Failed to stop the service, Error:%1 12 Failed to continue the service, Error:%1 13 Failed to pause the service, Error:%1 14 Failed to start the service, Error:%1 15 %1, %2 16 GSService::Uninstall, Failed to stop service, Error:%1 17 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed call to open SCM, Error:%1 18 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed call to OpenService, Error:%1 19 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to start the service, Error:%1 20 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to continue the service, Error:%1 21 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to pause the service, Error:%1 22 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to stop the service, Error:%1 23 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to wait for the service to change state, Error:%1 24 GSService::SetServiceToStatus, Failed to check the service status, Error:%1