Values Getable by Plugins

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These are invoked when the plugin calls the host function.


host->callback_get_strvalue(char* VARIABLENAME, char* destbuf, int maxlen):


·Handle.MainForm - return the windows Handle for the main FARR form window.
·Version.FARR - returns the full version string as shown in about box.
·Version.FARR_PLUGINAPI - returns the plugin api version (changes much less frequently)
·Version.FARR_PLUGINAPI_RELEASENUM - even simpler # of plugin api to make it easy to test feature compatibility.
·EmbeddedWb.Contents - returns contents of embedded web browser html contents (up to maxlen)
·EmbeddedWb.ContentsLength - returns a string integer of length of the embedded web browser contents.
·pvalue.[VALNAMEHERE] - replace [VALNAMEHERE] with the name of the value you want to ask a plugin to return.  this function will call all plugins get_strvalue(VALNAMEHERE) until one returns a value.  this can be a useful way to get information from other plugins.  no error is reported if no plugin answers (return value will be set to "").  See also the pcommand alias launch string.
·resolve:[STRINGHERE] - expand the [STRINGHERE] string of any %KEYWORD% type strings, typically containing virtual path values (see here).
·resolvelnk:[STRINGHERE] - resolve the full shortcut lnk file path pointed to by [STRINGHERE] to the real file it points to (throwaway any shortcut args).
·resolvelnkwa:[STRINGHERE] - resolve the full  shortcut lnk file path pointed to by [STRINGHERE] to the real file it points to with any shortcut args added to end.
·resolvefile:[STRINGHERE] - tries to find the file even if it has moved to another drive (useful for portable use)
·viewmode - returns either: list | memo | html | user | spreadsheet
·plugin_alias, plugin_regex, plugin_keywords, plugin_score - returns current value (ie if it has been overridden by user then the overridden value will be returned).
·Search.keywords - space separated list of any +keywords passed on search string
·uservars - the contents of the uservar editbox (with commands and section headers)
·uservarlist - a giant list of \n separated variablepath=value lines
·uservar.[SectionName.variablename] - return value of a variable
·score:[STRINGHERE] - far fills char* with ascii version of the floating point score value of the string, scored against current search terms.
·MainFormMonitor.CenterX - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf; filled with center x coordinate of current main form monitor.
·MainFormMonitor.CenterY - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf; filled with center y coordinate of current main form monitor.
·MainForm.Left - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf, it will be filled.
·MainForm.Top - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf, it will be filled.
·MainForm.Width - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf, it will be filled.
·MainForm.Height - pass the address of an integer variable for destbuf, it will be filled.