TreeDBNotes 3 ........................................................................... Version 3.38 Build 003 (4 June 2010) - New: Image library (an opportunity to create new libraries) - New: MSBTree for icons list (Image library) - New: MSBTree for the TreeDB Home (calendar, quick links, messages) - New: Now remembers the last folder (Image library) - New: Enter key starts the search (Global search) - New: Show full path of folder (Status Bar) - New: Options/Notes/Save selection (Enable or Disable) - New: Sort folders: Ctrl key - full tree; Shift - descending (direction) - New: Options/Show Toolbar Tooltips (Enable or Disable) - New: The ESC moves the focus from the tree to the editor. Back: CTRL + TAB - New: Object position (menu: Notes/Object position) - Fix: Incorect TreeIndex at "Folders Move to..." - Fix: Update notes after removal of the tree. - Fix: Refreshing list of folders after add or delete tree. - Fix: Goto folder (problems with focus) - Fix: Auto-Paste Hyperlink (advanced hyperlink window) - Fix: Export to CSV (for notes) - Fix: Password window (lost focus, keys: ENTER and ESC) - Fix: Change icons - cancel - lost icon. - Fix: Customize: Now commands are sorted alphabetically. - A lot of minor changes and fixes Version 3.37 Build 001 (30 Nov 2009) - New: Tags Cloud (by keywords) - New: Keywords Manager - New: Shortcuts Manager (more powerful and useful) - New: Quick help - Keyboard shortcuts (F10) - New: More standard shortcuts for existing actions - New: eInfi Reader (free TreeDBNotes e-Books Reader) - New: Custom Variables (Main menu: Tools) - New: More informative notes status bar (language, spelling, keys) - New: Automatic detection of hyperlinks (hyperlink window) - New: More powerful Hyperlinks (relative mode, custom variables, link to drive) - New: Attachments Drag and Drop - New: Templates History (Notes Manager) - New: Zoom In and Zoom Out commands (Main menu: View/Zoom ...) - New: Right to Left / Left to Right commands for text - New: 3 templates with TreeDBNotes variables (Templates/Variables/) - New: Text Tools: Trim Spaces; Delete Blank Lines (Main menu: Notes/Tools/ ) - New: Month Calendar Generator (Main menu: Notes/Insert/) - New: Global Search in main menu (Notes/Global search) - New: Integrated web search in Notes, Contacts and Passwords manager. (Google, Images, Maps, Translate, MSN, Wikipedia, Digg, Youtube, Yahoo, Flickr, Amazon, eBay, IMDB). - New: Search Engines manager - New: Minimize TreeDBNotes on startup - New: Run TreeDBNotes on Windows startup - New: Auto-check for software upgrade - New: Lock timeout - New: Insert Date and Time command (Ctrl+Shift+J) - New: Drag&Drop files into the notes editor - New: Parse custom vars in notes and templates - Improvement: Password dialog - Improvement: Database restore (default folder) - Improvement: Create a portable version - Bug fix: A very important issue. Incorrect behavior in the deleting of the tree. Sometimes, the program can delete records from another tree. - Bug fix: Inserting folder/subfolder (Thread-Exception) - Bug fix: Deleting empty folders (SQL-Exception) - Bug fix: Notes History - Bug fix: Default Notes font - Bug fix: Icons Library - Bug fix: Hyperlink and network drives (By Label) - A lot of minor changes and fixes Version 3.36 Build 003 (02 July 2008) - New: Dynamic Navigator (toolbar) - New: Folders submenu (main menu: Folders/Folders...) - New: Special marker (*) for password protected records (Folders and Trees) - Optimized speed of saving toolbars - A lot of minor changes and fixes Build 002 (30 June 2008) - New: Title of the current folder (toolbar) - Fix: Invisible markers on homepage tab - Fix: Problem with folders tree (invisible) (expand/collapse) - New: Text styles - realtime preview (toolbar and submenu) - New: Measurement units: Inches; Centimeters; Millimeters; Picas; Pixels; Points (Options/Notes) - New: Unicode modes: only unicode, no unicode, mixed (Options/Notes) - Fix: Close dialogs (windows) by ESC - Fix: Disable main menu (Folders and Edit) on TreeDB Homepage - Fix: Exception at Windows shutdown - A lot of minor changes and fixes Version 3.35 Build 001 (26 May 2008) - New: Templates - sort by name - New: Ctrl+Click (double click) Open hyperlink in new window - New: Close to system tray (Option/General) - New: Remove Notes formatting (menu: Notes/Tools/) - New: Sort text (menu: Notes/Tools/) - New: Default folders title options. Based on Date, Time, Level or Index. (Options/Default/) - New: Store options in INI file - New: Save/Load: Print/Page margin properties - Fix: Problem Tesaurus file - Fix: Problem with Help file - Fix: Problem with Common phrases panel - Fix: Selected text and Find/Replace dialog - Fix: Some themes and background color (Xito, Athen) - Fix: Disabled button in advanced hyperlink window (Browse) - Fix: Problem with Upgrade and Purchase window (menu: Help/) - Fix: Incorrect size of TABS after Maximize/Restore - Fix: Problem with Documents and Templates custom folders - Fix: Save/Load custom colors (Folders styles editor) - Fix: Paste images from Internet Explorer - A lot of minor changes and fixes Version 3.3 Build 010 (13 Feb 2008) - First release of TreeDBNotes 3 (free edition) - Publish to e-Book - Unicode - Dynamic editor - External view - Spell Checker - Thesaurus - Insert OLE objects - Insert Flash objects - Templates (View, Create, Insert) - Text styles - Syntax Highlighters - Attachments browser - Common Phrases - Notes History - Notes Bookmarks - Notes Favorites - Notes Thumbnails Build 011 (16 Feb 2008) - New: Splash screen image - New: Common phrases editor - Fix: Error with "Database settings" dialog - Fix: Incorrect import of GPN icons (Icons library) - A lot of minor changes and fixes