103 Show or hide the navigation bar 128 Kalender\nUntitled\nKalend\nEvent Files (*.dat)\n.dat\nKalender.Document\nKalend Document 254 Show or hide the current time\nCurrent time on/off 1201 Switches to selected year\nSelect year 1202 Switches to selected month\nSelect month 1478 This is the current date\nCurrent date 32771 Create and edit categories 32788 New entry\nNew entry 32789 Edit selected entry\nEdit 32790 Delete selected entry\nDelete 32791 Mark selected entry as done\nDone 32792 Mark seleceted entry as undone\nUndone 32799 Restores a deleted occurrence 32800 Allows direct access to the database of the calendar 32801 Deletes a single entry 32802 Opens a dialog for editing the entry 32803 Opens a dialog for entering a new entry 32808 Executes the associated command of the selected entry or opens the associated document\nExecute/Open 32809 Edit the program options, like start behaviour, colours etc. 32814 Saves the window position and size on exit 32815 Saves the current window position and size 32816 Activates or deactivates the alarm function 32817 Deletes all occurrences of a repeating event 32826 Format options for date and time, tooltips and clipboard 32827 Merges a second event file with the current one\nMerge 32829 Opens your Internet Browser and visits the homepage of UK's Kalender\nHompage of UK's Kalender 32830 Opens the manual\nManual 32832 Restores all events and todos from a previous backup 32833 Makes a backup copy of all dates and todos into a text file 32834 Exports the calendar view or the todo-list into a HTML document 32835 Settings for HTML-Export 32836 Settings for CSV-Export 32837 Exports the calendar or the todos into a CSV-list 32838 Switches to the ToDo list 32839 Switches to the week view 32840 Switches to the fortnight view 32841 Switches to the month view 32842 Switches to the next calendar page\nNext page 32843 Returns to the page with the current date\nCurrent date 32844 Switches to the previous calendar page\nPrevious page 32845 Switches to the year view 32846 Shows pending silent alarms 32856 Displays or hides the search and filter sidebar\nSearch and filter 32858 New event New event 32859 New ToDo New ToDo 32863 Choose holiday modules from different countries for display 32864 Synchronize shared event file now\nSynchronize 32865 Displays all hidden events\nShow hidden events 32868 Resets all events to their default state\nReset event states 32869 Reassign a category template to existing events 32870 Opens the homepage of UK's Kalender for making a donation 40000 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40001 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40002 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40003 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40004 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40005 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40006 All day: $DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40007 From $THIS_START_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40008 All day: $DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40009 Until $THIS_END_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40010 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$ 40011 $DESCRIPTION$ 40012 $THIS_START_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$ >> 40013 >> $DESCRIPTION$ >> 40014 >> $THIS_END_AUTOTIME_S$$DESCRIPTION$ 40020 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTOTIME$ 40021 $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES$ 40022 40023 $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES$ 40024 $THIS_START_AUTOTIME$ 40025 $DESCRIPTION$ >> \n$NOTES$ 40026 40027 >> $DESCRIPTION$ >> 40028 $THIS_END_AUTOTIME$ 40029 >> $DESCRIPTION$ 40050 $STATE$ Due $DEADLINE_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$ \n$NOTES_R$ 40051 $STATE$ Due $DEADLINE_AUTO$: $DESCRIPTION$$R_NOTES$ 40052 Done: 40053 !!!Overdue!!! 40054 To Do: 40055 Urgent! 40070 %B %d, %Y 40071 %I:%M %p 40072 %B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p 40073 %m/%d/%Y 40074 %I:%M %p 40075 %m/%d/%Y, %I:%M %p 40076 %d 40100 %a, %b %d 40101 %a, %b %d 40102 %b %d 40103 %d 40104 %A, %B %d, %Y 40105 (Week %W) 40106 %a, %b %d 40107 %a, %b %d 40108 %b %d 40109 %d 40110 %a, %b %d 40111 (Week %W) 40120 %a, %B %d, %Y 40121 Event on %a, %B %d, %Y 40122 Event on %a, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p 40123 %A, %B %d, %Y, %#I:%M %p 40299 1001011 40300 Date,Weeknumber,Holiday,Time,Category,Description,Notes 40301 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 40302 %m/%d/%Y 40303 %W 40304 $THIS_STARTTOEND_AUTOTIME$ 40305 40306 $THIS_START_AUTOTIME$ 40307 40308 $THIS_END_AUTOTIME$ 40309 "$CATEGORY$" 40310 "$DESCRIPTION$" 40311 "$NOTES$" 40320 111110110 40321 Date,Time,State,Percent done,Priority,Group,Description,Notes,Document 40322 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 40330 111110110 40331 Date,Time,State,Percent done,Priority,Group,Description,Notes,Document 40332 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 40350 %m/%d/%Y 40351 %I:%M %p 40352 "$STATE$" 40353 $PRIORITY$ 40354 "$GROUP$" 40355 "$DESCRIPTION$" 40356 "$NOTES$" 40357 "$DOCUMENT$" 40358 $PERCENTDONE$ 45000 http://www.ukrebs-software.de 45001 http://www.ukrebs-software.de/english/donate.html 57344 Kalender 57345 Ready 57350 File 57351 Language 57399 ToDo 57400 Event 57401 Enter New Event 57402 Edit Event 57403 Edit Category 57404 Internal Formats 57405 Formats for HTML-Export 57406 Options 57407 Formats for CSV-Export 57410 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57411 Executable Files (*.exe, *.com, *.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57412 Sound Files (*.wav)|*.wav|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57413 All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57414 Event Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57415 HTML-Files (*.html, *.htm)|*.html;*.htm|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57416 CSV-Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57420 Error 57421 There is already a category with the name '%s'.\nPlease choose a different name. 57422 New Entry 57423 Untitled 57424 Navigation 57425 Current time 57426 Toolbar 57430 Minute 57431 Hour 57432 Day 57433 Week 57434 Month 57435 Year 57436 Fortnight 57440 Minutes 57441 Hours 57442 Days 57443 Weeks 57444 Month 57445 Years 57450 1st 57451 2nd 57452 3rd 57453 4th 57454 5th 57455 last 57456 Event on 57457 Next Reminder 57463 Ex&tend 57464 &Reduce 57465 %d of %d events selected 57466 Multiple events selected 57467 No events selected 57468 Date 57469 Time left 57470 Description 57471 Next Occurrence 57472 Repeat 57473 Alarm 57474 Hidden 57475 Category 57476 Group 57477 State 57478 Priority 57479 Deadline 57480 Associated Document 57481 Network 57482 Percent Done 57483 %d %s 57484 Every %s %s. of the Month 57485 Yes 57486 No 57487 Do you want to open the document\n%s\nnow? 57488 Do you want to execute the command\n%s\nnow? 57489 Unable to open the document\n%s 57490 Unable to execute the command\n%s 57491 This will move the next reminder for this event beyond the limit\nyou set in the event options. The event will be dropped then.\nAre you sure you want to do this? 57500 If you exit the application you will not\nbe reminded of upcoming events!\n\nQuit anyway? 57501 You are about to switch off the alarm feature!\nYou will not be reminded of upcoming events then.\n\nDo you really want to switch off the alarm? 57502 This will delete the entire event!\n\nDo you really want to delete all occurrences of this event? 57503 Do you want to delete this entry? 57504 Please enter a description or a start time for this event! 57505 Please enter a new / select an existing group for this todo! 57506 Due to the repeat rate and the additional conditions\nyou've selected, the event will never occur.\n\nPlease check the additional conditions and/or the repeat rate! 57507 The repetition end date lies before the first\npossible occurrence of this event!\n\nPlease check the end date! 57508 The repetition count is zero! This event will never occur!\n\nPlease check the repetition count! 57510 Unable to read from import-file\n%s 57511 Can't write to export-file\n%s 57512 Do you want to save current event file? 57513 You may not delete the default category! 57514 You have adjusted the system clock by a large amount of time!\nThis might cause trouble with the reminder function.\nWould you like to temporarily disable the calendar? 57515 You are about to reset all events to their default state.\nYou should do this only if you have problems after changing the system clock.\nDo you really want to reset all event states? 57516 Do you really want to delete this filter:\n%s 57517 A filter with this name already exist.\nPlease choose a different name. 57518 Please enter a name for the filter. 57519 You have chosen to assign the recurrence settings to existing events.\nThis can have unexpected results, e.g. single events might become recurrent events.\nAre you absolutely sure you want to assign the recurrence settings? 57530 No Icon 57540 Search returned %d results 57541 More than %d results, search terminated 57600 Creates a new event file\nNew 57601 Opens an existing event file\nOpen 57603 Saves the current document\nSave 57604 Saves the current document under a new name\nSave as 57616 Opens this document 57617 Opens this document 57618 Opens this document 57619 Opens this document 57620 Opens this document 57621 Opens this document 57622 Opens this document 57623 Opens this document 57624 Opens this document 57625 Opens this document 57626 Opens this document 57627 Opens this document 57628 Opens this document 57629 Opens this document 57630 Opens this document 57631 Opens this document 57634 Copies the selected entry to the clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cuts the selected entry and puts it on the clipboard\nCut 57637 Inserts the clipboard content\nPaste 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57664 Shows program information, version and copyright\nInfo 57665 Quit the application, document is saved automatically\nExit 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToolbar on/off 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nStatusbar on/off 61184 Changes the window size 61185 Changes the window position 61186 Iconizes the window 61187 Maximizes the window 61202 Restores the window to normal size 61203 Activates the task list