Zapper v1.24. Manages your music Tags. Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Obuchowski 1. INTRODUCTION Zapper is a free software developed to easily manage music tags for greater convenience. All data is taken from Discogs™ . Software require internet connection. Compatible with MP3, WMA, FLAC and M4A audio files. 2. BASIC USE INSTRUCTIONS To tag Your music album load it by 'File' menu or simply drop a folder/files. Zapper will try to fetch artist album and year from the first file loaded and place it in search field. You can still write searched album/artist manually. If no album was found during search, try to get rid of signs like these: ;',- . Search results in combo box (results are being loaded one by one). When you find desired album - MAKE SURE FILES AND TITLES CORRESPOND WITH EACH OTHER to be tagged correctly. If they don't, You can either sort files by hand or use 'Sort by track' and 'Sort by title' from 'Edit' menu. Before tagging, you can also modify album properties like year, genres, etc. in 'Edit' menu and titles by clicking them. Zapper will rename files in pattern in 'File rename pattern'. To explore its possibilities visit Preferences -> Rename pattern. In the end chose tags to be added and click 'Add new Tags' to finalize. It may take a few seconds with covers. Remember, You can tag ONE album at once. Before loading next album, please clean list in 'File' menu. Good luck and have fun! 3. USER DATA To import user data from previous Zapper version go to Preferences -> User account -> Import. Provide the location of previous Zapper version main folder. Your imported user data should appear on the list. 4. DISCOGS ACCOUNT Every user can use default user profile, which is restricted to 1000 covers / 24h at all (not per user). To go around this limitation you can register a new account in Discogs™ (completely free) and authorize your Zapper copy to use YOUR OWN account, which means 1000 covers / 24h only for you: 1. Register and activate your account at . (If you have an account and application created move to step 4). 2. Log in and find 'Developers' in 'Settings' section. 3. Create an application. 4. Launch Zapper, Preferences -> User account -> New... 5. Provide user name and password (optional). 6. From Discogs™ application you've just created fetch your consumer key and secret (simply copy the sequence). 7. Get the authorization URL and follow. Authorize Zapper to use Your account and copy authorization password to the Zapper's 'Authorization password' field. 8. Save Your account and use Your own cover limit. 5. TROUBLESHOOTING In case of any trouble please report directly via email with detailed description of the problem. I would try to eliminate every bug I find but I need some help with searching. Cheers!