Vidiot version history

Release 0.3.3 (revision 1674)

  • Fixed [#157]: Select two clips, deselect one, no details view shown. (r1673)
  • Fixed [#161]: Crash when opening project for which a png/tiff image (in timeline) has been removed from disk. (r1672)
  • Fixed [#162]: Last progress in status bar not removed after folder indexing done. (r1671)

Release 0.3.2 (revision 1670)

  • Fixed [#159]: Audio/ΓÇïVideo sync lost after rendering. (r1651)
  • Fixed [#158]: Playback of last clip in timeline stutters. (r1648)

Release 0.3.1 (revision 1647)

  • Fixed [#155]: Crash caused by creating audio cross fade at end of clip for which the file meta data has not yet been read. (r1647)
  • Added "Cut", "Copy", and "Paste here" options to the timeline popup menu. (r1645)
  • Fixed [152]: Position offset used for centering rotated image is not saved. (r1639)
  • Fixed [32]: Make it possible to duplicate a clip in the timeline. (r1639)
  • Added support for Cut, Copy, and Paste into the timeline. (r1639)
  • Added support for pasting files from the filesystem directly into the timeline. (r1639)
  • Added support for pasting files copied from the project view directly into the timeline. (r1639)
  • Added [#150]: Allow dropping files from the file system directly into the timeline. (r1637)
  • Enable Cut, Copy, and Paste main menu options when the Project View has focus. (r1637)
  • Allow pasting files selected in the file explorer directly into the project view. (r1637)
  • Added [#138]: Pressing 'c' centers timeline on cursor pointer. (r1630)
  • Fixed crash when pressing 'c' (create transition) with the mouse on an empty area. (r1629)
  • Fixed crash when pressing 'c' on a clip adjacent to an empty area. (r1629)
  • Removed 'c' key option (replaced with 'p' and 'n') for creating transitions. (r1629)
  • Fixed [#148]: Crash when importing very small image/ΓÇïvideo. (r1628)
  • Fixed [#151]: Crash when dropping file that is longer than the timeline. (r1627)
  • Fixed [#149]: Holding mouse down on a selected clip deselects the clip. That makes dragging the current selection difficult. (r1626)
  • Made starting a drag with multiple selected clips easier. (r1626)
  • When trimming a clip selection changes to only that clip. (r1626)
  • Updated icons in Project View and Options Dialog (r1625)
  • Added [#145]: Alpha channel support for images (facilitate titles) (r1623)
  • Fixed [#147]: When dragging video-only or audio-only clip to timeline, the missing data is replaced with empty clip (which obscures clips in the other tracks). (r1622)
  • Fixed [#144]: Title not reset when closing project. (r1621)
  • Compile with Visual Studio 2013 (r1614)
  • Updated wxWidgets to revision 77985 (r1614)
  • Updated Boost to 1.56.0 (r1614)
  • Updated Portaudio to revision 1933 (r1614)
  • Updated Soundtouch to revision 201 (r1614)

Release 0.2.10 (revision 1613)

  • Fixed [#141]: Crash after creating audio cross fade (with unlinked video clip in video track) (r1612)
  • Fixed [#142]: Crash after shift-trimming clip (for which audio video lengths are different) (r1612)
  • Fixed [#143]: Crash when creating cross fade via 'c' for a clip that already has a transition. (r1611)
  • Fixed [#139]: Crash when changing clip length via length button, if audio clip has two adjacent crossfades. (r1610)
  • Fixed [#137]: Changing volume slider has no effect when changing the volume for a second clip. (r1609)

Release 0.2.9 (revision 1608)

  • Added [#127]: Make menu option to directly open media file from the Project menu. (r1606)
  • Fixed [#136]: Crash after adding folder on disk which is a drive root (C:, D;, etc.). (r1605)
  • Removed recursion for updating folders sync with disk. (r1605)
  • Added wizard for creating new project. (r1603)
  • Fixed [#125]: If a .vid file is dropped onto the Vidiot window it is opened as media, not as project. (r1603)
  • Fixed crash during playback of file with mp2 audio. (r1593)
  • File paths in the project are now stored relative to the project's save folder. Moving project and files together now possible. (r1591)
  • Added [#131]: In the player show the total length of the sequence also. (r1590)
  • Fixed [#126]: Crash when dropping clip at the beginning of the timeline (when cursor is positioned near the end of the drop) (r1589)
  • Fixed [#133]: Crash when trimming near transition which is completely on one side of the cut between two clips. (r1588)
  • Fixed [#132]: Crash when deleting and trimming clips. (r1584)

Release 0.2.8 (revision 1583)

  • Fixed [#128]: ProjectView icon for sequences equals the icon for media files. (r1581)
  • Fixed [#129]: When dropping only one file from the file system, no timeline is created. (r1579)
  • Fixed [#120]: Improve frame interpolation (when adjusting video frame rate). (r1575)
  • Fixed [#78]: Audio-Video sync sometimes slightly off. (r1575)
  • Fixed [#122]: Bypass Soundtouch if not required. (r1574)
  • Fixed crash (incorrect assert) for MSMPEG4-2 avi file. (r1558)
  • Fixed [#124]: Hangup when clicking on an external URL in the about box. (r1557)

Release 0.2.7 (revision 1556)

  • Fixed playback issue for preview window. (r1555)
  • Fixed [#118]: Shift drag does not work when drag originates from project view. (r1460)
  • Fixed [#119]: View not updated correctly when shift dragging beyond the length of the timeline. (r1459)
  • Fixed [#113]: Initial project start should be easier. (r1458)
  • Added support for drag and drop from the file system. (r1458)
  • Fixed [#117]: Avoid creating project with wrong default framerate (project properties opened immediately after project creation) (r1456)
  • Added dialog for changing project properties. (r1455)

Release 0.2.6 (revision 1453)

  • Changed default framerate to 24p (r1451)
  • Fixed crash when simultaneously zooming/scrolling and opening the popup Menu (r1449)
  • Fixed [#107]: Thumbnails not always drawn (r1449)
  • Fixed [#115]: Make right-mouse scrolling as fast as using the scrollbar. (r1448)
  • Right mouse scrolling works always, even when dragging/changing dividers/etc. (r1448)
  • Added [#106]: Right mouse button scrolling works during playback. (r1447)
  • When creating crossfades avoid trimming clips if there's not enough room on only one side. (r1446)
  • Fixed [#116]: Crossfade becomes fade-in/fade-out when trimming on one edge to the minimum size. (r1445)
  • Fixed [#109]: Make length buttons work also when the clip is part of a transition (r1445)
  • Added [103]: Add 1/ΓÇï4s to fixed lengths (for transitions) and make more length buttons enabled by allowing a dual trim (both left side and right side) upon press of the button. (r1444)
  • Added [#104]: Add 2/1 zoom level (add one zoom level) (r1443)
  • Fixed [#110]: When shift-trimming a lot of clips are selected (r1442)
  • Added [#101]: Create keyboard shortcut ('V') to center the cursor. (r1441)
  • Fixed [#100]: Hint text for length buttons wrong (r1440)
  • Fixed [105]: Crash during playback with multiple audio tracks. (r1439)
  • Fixed [#116] : Popup menu in Project view shows illegal items if a sequence is selected. Selecting these items results in crash. (r1438)
  • Improved responsiveness of drawing thumbnails (rendered in separate thread) (r1432)
  • Fixed crash when changing zoom while dragging clips (r1430)
  • Fixed [#7]: Thumbnails not updated when zoooming in/out. (r1421)
  • Fixed [#92]: Crash when pressing space. (r1421)
  • Initial loading time of project improved. (r1421)
  • Fixed [#91]: Playback directly after end trim (via 'e') gives black video (r1417)
  • Fixed [#90]: Black flash (in timeline) when using 'b' to begin trim (r1416)

Release 0.2.5 (revision 1415)

  • Fixed crash when adding a non-existent file (again) via Undo/Redo. (r1409)
  • Fixed crash when rendering sequence with empty video (r1408)
  • Fixed [#75]: Busy loop after pressing space. (r1407)
  • When video preview can't keep up with audio, video no longer stops updating; frames are skipped. (r1407)
  • Added menu options for showing/hiding panes (Project/Details/Preview/Timelines). (r1407)
  • Upgrade ffmpeg libraries version to 20140105-git-70937d9 (r1404)
  • Improved seeking in H.264 files (r1404)
  • Fixed [#85]: Crash when dragging a file from an autofolder into another (non-auto) folder (r1400)
  • Added [#62]: Add support for rotating video in composition. (r1394)
  • When changing 'show bounding box' the preview is updated immediately. (r1391)
  • Bounding box shown during trim operation. (r1389)
  • Fixed [#61]: Proper alpha support for scaled clips (better transitioning/multi layering) (r1388)
  • Added [#80]: Add mechanism to change audio clip volume (r1383)
  • Fixed [#83]: Crash during playback of h.264 28fps mp4 file (r1381)
  • Fixed [#74]: Hangup when repositioning cursor in large file (r1381)
  • Changed time calculations to using 64 bit integers (some - h.264 - files cause integer overflows resulting in crashes when opening) (r1379)
  • Added [#76]: 'b' and 's' work during playback (r1378)
  • Fixed [#79]: Crash when dropping clip adjacent to a transition. (r1377)
  • Fixed [#82]: Shift End Trim not allowed when a clip in another track is touching the end point. (r1376)
  • Fixed [#77]: Wrong cursor during playback (r1372)
  • Fixed [#81]: Crash when scrubbing over a bands transitions for which all the underlying video files are unavailable. (r1371)
  • Fixed crash during animated delete (shift delete press) when system is slow. (r1346)

Release 0.2.4 (revision 1340)

  • Fixed [#53]: Hangup (busy looping caused by too large allocation for EmptyChunk) when repositioning cursor (r1338)
  • Added [#67]: Add keyboard shortcuts ('b' and 'e') for trimming the clip under the cursor between the begin/end and the cursor position (r1337)
  • Fixed [#71]: Crash when changing clip via length button. (r1336)
  • After pressing a length button in the details view, focus is given back to the timeline such that subsequent keypresses work without having to click on the timeline first. (r1335)
  • Fixed [#66]: Add option to separate clips in a 'generated sequence' when the file name prefix (r1333)
  • Fixed [#65]: Clip details only shows length for the selected clip, not for the link. (r1332)
  • Fixed [#60]: Crash when closing project while folder indexing still running in the background (r1331)
  • Fixed [#73]: Text in status bar wrong when saving project with a different name (r1330)
  • Fixed [#58]: Shift delete of a 'unlinked' video/audio clip causes video-audio mismatch (r1329)
  • Fixed [#57]: After doing a shift begin trim, the cursor is moved to another position. (r1327)
  • Fixed [#51]: Project is not modified (save option enabled) when the audio video track divider is moved (r1325)

Release 0.2.3 (revision 1322)

  • Add [#56]: Add project name to title bar (r1320)
  • Fixed stack overflow error when (r1315)
  • saving/loading a large project (r1315)

Release 0.2.2 (revision 1313)

  • Number of backed up save files can be limited (default: 10). Oldest backup files are moved to the recycle bin. (r1312)
  • Before overwriting an existing save file, this file is backed up first. This avoids unrecoverable files when saving fails. (r1311)

Release 0.2.1 (revision 1310)

  • Changed default project size to 1280x720 (r1308)
  • Added [#36]: Store cursor position and scroll position when saving (r1304)
  • Upgraded to use Visual Studio 2012, wxWidgets 3.0.0/r74976, Boost 1.54.0, Portaudio v19/r1910, and Soundtouch 1.7.1/r173 (r1300)
  • Changed save/load format to xml (not compatible with previous save files) (r1297)
  • Added [#24]: Make sliding bands transition (r1291)
  • Fixed [#33]: Drag and drop between tracks of different height looks awkward (r1284)
  • Fixed [#44]: Crash if a project is opened for which a file is missing that is part of a transition (r1283)
  • Fixed [#46]: Can't change video bitrate beyond 4000000 (r1281)
  • Fixed [#45]: Project is not modified (save option enabled) when render settings change (r1280)
  • Added option to move unused (in the project) video files to the recycle bin (r1279)
  • Fixed [#43]: Crash during Drag and drop of clip over a transition (r1278)
  • Added [#39]: Make fixed lengths buttons (details view) work for transitions also (r1277)
  • Added [#37]: Make keyboard shortcut for (temporarily) disabling snapping (during drag and drop and trimming) (r1276)
  • Added [#31]: Make unlink audio and video popup menu option (r1275)
  • Fixed [#34]: When shift trimming, the cursor is moved 'along' when moving the mouse. That makes 'snap to cursor' useless. (r1274)
  • Fixed [#42]: Delete and trim selected can mess up timeline (r1273)
  • Fixed [#38]: Cross fade to next menu option visible when the 'next' clip cannot be extended at the beginning (r1272)
  • Fixed crash when trimming a clip that is directly adjacent to a clip with length 0 (part of a transition) (r1271)
  • Fixed [#41]: Right click directly below a transition: the transition becomes selected, not the 'logical clip' (r1270)
  • Fixed [#35]: Crash when opening popup menu by right clicking 'below' a transition. (r1269)
  • Fixed [#40]: Crash during playback/rendering of a sequence with many cross-fades (r1268)

Release 0.1.3 (revision 1267)

  • Fixed [#20]: Playback does not work properly (hick-ups) (r1267)
  • Added Delete and Trim popup menu option (r1264)
  • Fixed [#30}: crash during rendering (too many threads) (r1263)
  • Fixed [#14]: Shift begin trim moves awkward (r1262)
  • Fixed [#22]: When the sequence length increases, the timeline (scroll pane) doesn't increase also (r1257)
  • Added [#17]: When cursor is outside visible region (after cursor move), move scrollbars to show the cursor again. During playback also scroll such that the cursor remains visible. (r1256)
  • Added [#15]: In details view show length of clip (r1255)
  • Added [#19]: Add delete option to popup menu for clips (shift press shifts also) (r1254)
  • Fixed [#23]: When zooming in/ΓÇïout the current cursor position is lost. Timeline center position is now kept aligned. (r1253)
  • Fixed [#27]: Give feedback when project is saved (r1251)
  • Fixed [#29]: Can't stop playback after pressed shift to start a region (r1250)
  • Fixed [#28]: Crash when pressing 's' during playback (r1249)
  • Fixed [#16]: Crash during playback of audio crossfade (r1248)
  • Fixed [#18]: Playback of empty audio clips is wrong (r1247)

Release 0.1.2 (revision 1246)

  • Fixed [#13]: Crash in audio handling when playing 24p video on a 24p project (r1242)
  • Fixed [#12]: Default framerate not saved after changing in options dialog (r1239)
  • Fixed [#11]: Shift trim at begin of clip 'aligns' in the wrong direction (r1238)
  • Fixed [#2]: When doing a drag operation, the thumbnail of the dragged clip 'strays' behind. (r1237)

Release 0.1.1 (revision 1235)

  • Fixed [#6]: Audio and video clip lengths now 64 bits (r1231)
  • Fixed [#9]: Creating a sequence for a 'auto' folder a second time creates a sequence with exactly the same name (r1230)
  • Thumbnails corrected for clips that do not start at a file's beginning. (r1228)

Release 0.1.0 (revision 1223)

  • Initial version
  • Fixed [#4]: UI Hangup during playback (r1222)