Association Manager By Alex Peckover This is a BETA release. ----------------------- Current features: - Store and restore sets of file associations. - Create new and edit existing associations. - Associate files with already existing associations. - Delete associations. How To: - Get the current settings - Just select "Get Current Settings" from the "Setting menu. - Restore a set of associations - Select "Copy to Registry" from the "Settings" menu. - Edit an association - Double click on the association you want to change. The dialog that comes up is pretty obvious. - Create an association - Select "Create new association" from the "Settings" menu. In the extension box, make sure you include the "." as in ".doc" or ".xls". Known Problems: - When opening a set of associations you have to select "Refresh" from the "View" menu to get the list to display, I am working on this. - I do not claim that this will work at all on Windows NT. You can get the latest version of this software from: This is a FREEWARE release. I cannot and will not be held responsible for any damage, however unlikely, this program may cause. I will, however, provide help with any problems via E-mail at Alex Peckover.