--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Unofficial Screen Saver for Win 95/98/NT4 VERSION 3.3 by ROBERT BENNETT EMAIL: vader@iaa.com.au ICQ# 14073622 RELEASED: 21st August, 1999 http://www.iaa.com.au/vader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want a screen saver for your business/event/website/whatever? Drop me a line on vader@iaa.com.au I'm cheap! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more screen savers and other useless stuff visit: http://www.iaa.com.au/vader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 3.3 (21/8/99): - Quick bugfix version. Fixed the problems with running it in 256 colour mode. But be warned. Like everything else it'll still look crap in 256 colours. But it works. Enjoy! * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 3.2 (5/7/99): - Countdown bug fixed. It was restarting a month after it reached its target! Sorry! Fixed now! (I hope...) - Added years to count down so you can set it to countdown to episode 2. - Many other minor bugs fixed. - Afew more pics added. * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 3.1 (2/6/99): - Minor bug fix on pic display. I noticed it and couldn't live with it. - Bug fix in displaying you're own files. It crashed with certain colours - And because I don't wanna do a release without some nifty new feature: This R2 unit now contains the plans to the Death Star... (You should know what I mean when it happens...) * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 3.0 (2/6/99): - Major memory bug fixed. Now uses alot less! MAJOR FIX. - You can now stick your own JPGs in a directory and have it display them - For best results resize your jpgs to 256x256 and put them all in a dir. Then on the settings screen select Use External Pics and select the directory. They'll now he added to the range of random pics! Simple! - More pics. - More displays. - Darth Maul in a special 3D appearance! * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 2.1 (19/5/99): - Added all the bits I forgot about for v2.0 - Added more pics. - Added another type of projection just for abit more variety. - Made some rarer events less rare... * WHATS NEW IN VERSION 2.0 (18/5/99): - Added alot more pics. - Added charactor hologramy-type projections. - Added 3D Jawas! * VERSION 1.0 (26/4/99) - Initial release - Basic R2 Unit projecting images.. still looked pretty cool if you ask me! - Only 1 type of projection. The rippling pictures one. * ARCHIVE CONTENTS SWTPMUSS.ZIP - SW-TPM Unofficial Screen Saver.scr - Screen Saver file - Readme.txt - This file - Opengl.dll - SGI's opengl.dll - Glu.dll - Another part of above * INSTALLATION To install, simply copy all files to the windows\system folder (normaly C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). Then go the Display options in Control Panel and in the Screen Saver section select SW-TPM Unofficial Screen Saver! NOTE: If you've already had v1.0 on you will be asked whether you want to overwrite the old files. There only file you really need to overwrite is the main .scr file. * SETTINGS SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS I'd suggest everyone check this out. You can turn the countdown off you know... To get to the Settings screen go to Control Panel, then Display, then to the Screen Saver sections. Make sure you have the SW-TPM Unofficial screen saver selected. Click on settings. DROID COLOURS: Lets you customize your Astromech to your own colour scheme. COUNT DOWN: Tick this box to enable the countdown. RELEASE DATE: Set the Day, Month and Year of the date you want it to count down to. ENABLE SOUNDS: It err.. enables the sounds. PICTURE DELAY: Sets the amount of seconds a pic is shown for. (left is short, right is long) USE EXTERNAL PICS: Select this to make it display your own pics aswell as the ones already in it. Then select the Drive and directory that your pics are stored in. Pictures must be in JPG format. For best results resize em to 256x256. * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Well I can't say the actual requirements cos I can only test it on a limited amount of machines but it runs beautifully on a P166 with 64MB RAM. Anything above that will be even better! I'd say a P133 would probably be the minimum. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have your colour depth set higher than 256 colours for it to work properly! It will work at 256 colours and lower but it wont look right at all! 256 colours doesn't really cut it these days and I don't think many people are still using it but heres how to check: Go to Control Panel. Go to Display. Go to Settings. And check what it says for Color Palette. If it's set to 16 color or 256 color you may like to change it to High Color (16 bit) or True Color (24 Bit). You'll probably find this greatly improves the picture quality while web browsing aswell. * VERSION 3.2 RELEASE NOTES: Well I've now seen this movie 4 times and I love it. I'll still prolly see it again before its gone. I really don't know what people are complaining about. I'd like to thank all who emailed telling me the countdown being stuffed, you were all right! This will probably be the last version of this at least for some time. I'm hangin to show off what I've done to the Doctor Who one. Oh and if you find a bug please send me a detailed email. I keep getting: "It doesn't work." Seriously. Strong am I with the Force... But not that strong. I need more info. Thanks! * VERSION 3.1 RELEASE NOTES: AARRGGHH!! I was sitting watching v3.0 and spotted a bug with one of the pictures and couldn't live with it. So now it should be fixed. There was also a bug that could cause wierd results if you had a pic with certain colours. This is now fixed too (I hope). And finally I didn't want to do a release of just bug fixes so I added the Death Star plans to R2's memory banks... Thats it! I'm in a hurry. Its 9pm. Only 3hours to do til the midnight premiere of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace here in Australia. I'll be in seat N20 at Crown Cinemas. See you there! * VERSION 3.0 RELEASE NOTES: Well with only 24 hours til I get to finally see this movie I decided to release the 3rd (possibly final) version. The main reason is because I fixed a major memory bug in the old versions which meant it just ate up memory. Now it doesn't. Yay. Also I was hangin to put Darth Maul in. Altho I bet he's crap compared to Vader! And I had some requests to let you put your own pics in. Done! Enjoy! * VERSION 2.1 RELEASE NOTES: Ok ok its only been 24 hours since v2.0 but I got a flash of inspiration and decided to added just one more thing. I also sound afew things that needed fixing after running v2.0 for a day. Nothing major. Nothing even that anyone but me will notice. But that kind of thing annoys me so I did it anyway. So there. Enjoy. * VERSION 2 RELEASE NOTES: Seeing as it was downloaded so much in the 1st day that my ISPs link got maxed out I decided to add to it. Well.. that and I did a 3D Jawa that I really liked and wanted to add. So again I've rushed out an untested release and I've beaten the US release date of the movie by afew hours! So here it is... Enjoy! And let me know what you think! * VERSION 1 RELEASE NOTES: Well this is my idea of a simple slideshow screen saver thingy. An Astromech droid (lets not call it R2D2 cos the 3D model isn't perfect) scoots around projecting images from the upcoming Star Wars movie. I used OpenGL for the 3D routines so it requires SGI's OpenGL DLL files. These are included in the archive. See the end of this file for the licencing info. I really hope I've done this right I don't really understand the legal stuff. The pics used were gathered from around the web. Mainly from the official site, www.starwars.com, and TheForce.Net. I hope noone minds. All pictures and Star Wars related stuff is all owned and copyright to LucasFilm. I've just done this cos I'm a major fan. Seeing as the movie is nearly out in the US I've rushed to release this. I had the idea about a week ago so this has been coded quickly and barely tested so use it at your own risk! I take no responsibility for those sparks shooting out the back of your PC, or anything else for that matter! Well I think that's all. If you're reading this you've got a rare version cos as soon as I wake up and come to my senses I'll probably write a decent readme file. Thanks to all the foools who tested this and told me what sucked! If you use this and enjoy it email me and let me know! I'm an umemployed amateur programmer so if you've got a job for me let me know!! Oh and if you're gunna stick this on a CD or a magazine or something please send me an email! I don't usually mind I'd just like to know. And I'll probably buy a copy! Actually.. can I have a free copy? For more screen savers (including the ever popular Doctor Who Screen Saver (sorry about this delaying the new version)) go to the homepage: http://www.iaa.com.au/vader Enjoy! PS: George Lucas Rules! PPS: Can I have a job at ILM please? Thanks! PPPS: Or how about an acting job?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Wars and all associated materials are Copyright © LucasFilm 1999. The screen saver itself is Copyright © Robert Bennett 1999. This software was made as a tribute to STAR WARS. No copyright infringement is intended. This software is FREE and may not be used for profit. If you like and use it, send me an email! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This screen saver is provided as is. The author takes no responsibility for any damage that is done to your system thru it's use. It works fine for me! If it doesn't for you, it aint my fault! This product is not guaranteed to save your screen from burn in or any other form of damage. (eg. removing the restraining bolt without a certified Jawa present) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenGL® for Windows® by Silicon Graphics 1. Legal Notices Software License Agreement 1. Grant Of Limited License; Software Use Restrictions. In consideration for your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, SGI will grant to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use and execute the Software on a personal computer (a “"PC"”), without right to sublicense or distribute the Software (except as provided in Section 3 below). You agree that you will not modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the Software. 2. Duplication Restrictions. In order to effect your license rights hereunder, you may install the Software by duplicating it onto the hard disk drive or into the CPU memory of a PC for use thereon, and you may make full or partial copies of the Software, but only as necessary for backup or archival purposes or for purposes of distribution pursuant to Section 3 below. You agree that (i) your use and possession of such copies shall be solely under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (ii) you shall place the same proprietary and copyright notices and legends on all such copies as included by SGI on any media containing an authorized copy of the Software originally provided by SGI. 3. Distribution of the Software to Others. You may duplicate and distribute copies of the Software to others, or allow copies of the Software to be made by someone else, provided that all such copies include a copy of this License Agreement. 4. Ownership of Software. You agree and acknowledge that SGI transfers no ownership interest in the Software, in the intellectual property in any Software or in any Software copy, to you under this Agreement or otherwise, and that SGI and its licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted to you hereunder. 5. Transfer Restrictions. This license is personal to you. Except as expressly provided in Section 3 above, you may not transfer the Software and/or assign this License to any third party. If you attempt to transfer or assign this License, such transfer or assignment will be void and without effect. 6. Export Restrictions. You may not export or reexport any Software or other technology received under this Agreement except in full compliance with all United States and other applicable laws and regulations. In particular, none of such Software or technology may be exported or reexported into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. embargoes goods, or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders. 7. Term; Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence when you electronically download or receive (if SGI delivers the Software to you by email or alternative means) and shall continue thereafter. If you fail to fulfill any of your material obligations under this Agreement, SGI and/or its licensors may pursue all available legal remedies to enforce this Agreement, and SGI may, at any time after your default of this Agreement, terminate this Agreement and all licenses and rights granted to you under this Agreement. You agree that SGI’'s licensors referenced in the Software are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and may enforce this Agreement as it relates to their intellectual property. You further agree that, if SGI terminates this Agreement for your default, you will, within thirty (30) days after any such termination, deliver to SGI or render unusable all Software originally provided to you hereunder and any copies thereof embodied in any medium. 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law rules. U. S. GOVERNMENT USERS. If the Software is acquired by or on behalf of an entity of government of the United States of America, the following provision applies: U. S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication or disclosure of Software by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(2) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039- 7311. 9. Disclaimer Of Software Warranty. SGI PROVIDES THE SOFTWARE TO YOU “"AS IS"” AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, STATUTORY, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR INFRINGEMENT. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU BY ANY SGI EMPLOYEE, REPRESENTATIVE OR DISTRIBUTOR WILL CREATE A WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR ADVICE. 10. Limitation Of Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL SGI OR IT LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE COST OF COVER, DAMAGES ARISING FROM LOSS OF DATA, USE, PROFITS OR GOODWILL, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE), WHETHER OR NOT SGI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. 05/31/96