Zetrix v1.0 Copyright 1999 by Vesa Halonen DISCLAIMER ------------- This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Its use is entirely at the users risk. The author is not responsible for any damages that may arise out of the use of this package. GAMEPLAY ------------- There are four difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard, impossible) and two game modes (classic, enhanced). In enhanced mode there are three bonus tiles which are : Blue : Increases water level Yellow : Decreases water level Green : Slows cursor dropping speed Keys : Cursor keys : move cursor Q and Home : rotate cursor left E and PgUp : rotate cursor right Mouse : rotate camera Alt + Enter : toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode COMMANDLINE PARAMS ------------- first parameter may be an mp3 file which will then play on background example - "zetrix music.mp3" "-benchmark" Runs benchmark "-record" Records a benchmark "-nosound" Runs game without sounds Some benchmarking results (with -nosound) : Resolution 640x480x16 : Celeron 450, 128mb, GeForce 256 (T&L enabled) - 200 fps Celeron 450, 128mb, GeForce 256 (T&L disabled) - 32 fps Resolution 1600x1200x16 : Celeron 450, 128mb, GeForce 256 (T&L enabled) - 58 fps Celeron 450, 128mb, GeForce 256 (T&L disabled) - 30 fps OPTIONS MENU ------------- If you have a voodoo2 or voodoo3 board set modulate to 2X without this lighting will not work. SOME FEATURES ------------- - 3D Hardware acceleration (D3D) - Support for 3DNow & SSE (D3D) - Hardware T&L support - Environmental & DotProduct BumpMapping - Mp3 Streaming CONTACTING ME ------------- Email: vesa.halonen@pp.inet.fi Web: http://personal.inet.fi/private/gx3dengine