object ReNovatorForm: TReNovatorForm Left = 189 Top = 111 Width = 583 Height = 406 HelpContext = 1 Caption = 'ReNovator' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Menu = MainMenu1 Position = poDefault OnClose = FormClose OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 575 Height = 2 Align = alTop end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 54 Width = 575 Height = 3 Align = alTop Shape = bsTopLine end object NBStatus: TNotebook Left = 0 Top = 341 Width = 575 Height = 19 Align = alBottom PageIndex = 1 TabOrder = 0 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Status' object StatusBar: TStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 575 Height = 19 Align = alClient Panels = < item Width = 600 end> SimplePanel = False end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Progress' object ProgressBar: TProgressBar Left = 193 Top = 0 Width = 382 Height = 19 Align = alClient Min = 0 Max = 100 TabOrder = 0 end object ProgressCaption: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 193 Height = 19 Align = alLeft Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 1 end end end object TopPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 2 Width = 575 Height = 52 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'TopPanel' TabOrder = 1 object ToolBar1: TToolBar Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 539 Height = 52 HelpContext = 7000 Align = alClient AutoSize = True ButtonHeight = 52 ButtonWidth = 65 DisabledImages = ButtonDisabled EdgeBorders = [] Flat = True HotImages = ButtonHighLight Images = ButtonEnabled ParentShowHint = False ShowCaptions = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 Wrapable = False object BOpen: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Open a program' Caption = 'Open' ImageIndex = 1 OnClick = BOpenClick end object BSave: TToolButton Left = 65 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Save program to disk' Caption = 'Save' ImageIndex = 0 OnClick = Save1Click end object Run2: TToolButton Left = 130 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Caption = 'Run !' ImageIndex = 7 OnClick = Run1Click end object BClose: TToolButton Left = 195 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Close program' Caption = 'Close' ImageIndex = 2 OnClick = Close1Click end object ToolButton1: TToolButton Left = 260 Top = 0 Width = 8 Height = 52 Caption = 'ToolButton1' ImageIndex = 5 Style = tbsSeparator end object BBrowseDir: TToolButton Left = 268 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Browse a new Folder' Caption = 'Browse Dir' ImageIndex = 3 OnClick = BBrowseDirClick end object BDirUp: TToolButton Left = 333 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Change to parent Folder' Caption = 'Dir Up' ImageIndex = 6 OnClick = BDirUpClick end object BRefresh: TToolButton Left = 398 Top = 0 Width = 65 Height = 52 Hint = 'Refresh the Filelist' Caption = 'Refresh' ImageIndex = 4 OnClick = BRefreshClick end end object IconPanel: TPanel Left = 539 Top = 0 Width = 36 Height = 52 Align = alRight BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object IconImage: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 36 Height = 52 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = 'Go to the web site' Align = alClient Center = True PopupMenu = IconPopup OnClick = IconImageClick end end end object ResPages: TPageControl Left = 0 Top = 57 Width = 575 Height = 284 HelpContext = 7500 ActivePage = TabAudio Align = alClient TabOrder = 2 TabWidth = 200 OnChange = ResPagesChange object TabBmp: TTabSheet Caption = 'Bitmap' object BMPSplitter: TSplitter Left = 257 Top = 0 Width = 4 Height = 256 Cursor = crHSplit Beveled = False end object BMPResPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 257 Height = 256 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'BMPResPanel' TabOrder = 0 object BMPResCaption: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 257 Height = 17 Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 0 end object LVBMPRes: TListView Left = 0 Top = 17 Width = 257 Height = 239 HelpContext = 8100 Align = alClient OnClick = LVBMPResClick OnDblClick = LVResDblClick Columns = < item Caption = 'Name' Width = 100 end item Caption = 'Size' end item Caption = 'Dimension' Width = 70 end item Caption = 'Format' Width = 70 end> DragMode = dmAutomatic HotTrack = True MultiSelect = True OnChange = LVResChange OnColumnClick = LVResColumnClick OnCompare = LVBMPCompare OnEdited = LVBMPResEdited OnEnter = LVResEnter OnExit = LVResExit OnDragDrop = LVResDragDrop OnDragOver = OnDragOver DragCursor = crDefault PopupMenu = ResPopUp TabOrder = 1 ViewStyle = vsReport OnKeyUp = LVKeyUp SmallImages = ListImages end end object BMPFilePanel: TPanel Left = 261 Top = 0 Width = 306 Height = 256 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'BMPFilePanel' TabOrder = 1 object BMPFileCaption: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 306 Height = 17 Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvLowered Caption = 'BMPFileCaption' TabOrder = 0 end object LVBMPFile: TListView Left = 0 Top = 17 Width = 306 Height = 239 HelpContext = 9100 Align = alClient OnClick = LVFileClick Columns = < item Caption = 'Name' Width = 100 end item Caption = 'Size' end item Caption = 'Dimension' Width = 65 end item Caption = 'Format' Width = 60 end item Caption = 'Date' Width = 70 end> DragMode = dmAutomatic ReadOnly = True HotTrack = True OnColumnClick = LVFileColumnClick OnCompare = LVBMPCompare OnDragDrop = LVFileDragDrop OnDragOver = OnDragOver DragCursor = crDefault PopupMenu = FilePopup TabOrder = 1 ViewStyle = vsReport OnKeyUp = LVKeyUp SmallImages = ListImages end end end object TabAudio: TTabSheet Caption = 'Audio' object AudioSplitter: TSplitter Left = 257 Top = 0 Width = 4 Height = 256 Cursor = crHSplit Beveled = False end object AudioResPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 257 Height = 256 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'AudioResPanel' TabOrder = 0 object AudioResCaption: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 257 Height = 17 Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 0 end object LVAudioRes: TListView Left = 0 Top = 17 Width = 257 Height = 239 Align = alClient OnClick = LVAudioResClick OnDblClick = LVResDblClick Columns = < item Caption = 'Name' Width = 100 end item Caption = 'Size' end item Caption = 'Truncated' Width = 0 end item Caption = 'Samples' Width = 70 end item Caption = 'Resolution' end item Caption = 'Frequency' end item Caption = 'Channels' end> DragMode = dmAutomatic HotTrack = True MultiSelect = True OnChange = LVResChange OnColumnClick = LVResColumnClick OnCompare = LVAudioCompare OnEnter = LVResEnter OnExit = LVResExit OnDragDrop = LVResDragDrop OnDragOver = OnDragOver PopupMenu = ResPopUp TabOrder = 1 ViewStyle = vsReport OnKeyUp = LVKeyUp SmallImages = ListImages end end object AudioFilePanel: TPanel Left = 261 Top = 0 Width = 306 Height = 256 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'AudioFilePanel' TabOrder = 1 object LVAudioFile: TListView Left = 0 Top = 17 Width = 306 Height = 239 Align = alClient OnClick = LVFileClick Columns = < item Caption = 'Name' Width = 100 end item Caption = 'Size' end item Caption = 'Samples' end item Caption = 'Resolution' Width = 65 end item Caption = 'Frequency' Width = 70 end item Caption = 'Channels' Width = 60 end item Caption = 'Date' end> DragMode = dmAutomatic ReadOnly = True HotTrack = True OnColumnClick = LVFileColumnClick OnCompare = LVAudioCompare OnDragDrop = LVFileDragDrop OnDragOver = OnDragOver PopupMenu = FilePopup TabOrder = 0 ViewStyle = vsReport OnKeyUp = LVKeyUp SmallImages = ListImages end object AudioFileCaption: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 306 Height = 17 Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvLowered Caption = 'AudioFileCaption' TabOrder = 1 end object MediaPlayer: TMediaPlayer Left = 88 Top = 56 Width = 253 Height = 30 AutoEnable = False DeviceType = dtWaveAudio Visible = False TabOrder = 2 end end end end object OpenFile: TOpenDialog HelpContext = 2050 DefaultExt = 'exe' Filter = 'Application (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist] Left = 328 Top = 160 end object PathDialog: TPathDialog Title = 'Please enter the path' Left = 320 Top = 224 end object SaveFile: TSaveDialog HelpContext = 2100 DefaultExt = 'exe' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly] Left = 328 Top = 189 end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Left = 353 Top = 173 object File1: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' object Open1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open' HelpContext = 2050 Hint = 'Open a cool program' ShortCut = 16463 OnClick = Load1Click end object Save1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save As' HelpContext = 2100 Hint = 'Save program to disk' ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = Save1Click end object Run1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Run' HelpContext = 2150 Hint = 'Run loaded program' ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = Run1Click end object Close1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Close' HelpContext = 2200 Hint = 'Close program' OnClick = Close1Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Exit2: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' HelpContext = 2250 Hint = 'Exit SC449' OnClick = Exit1Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object InstalledRebirth1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Installed &Rebirth' HelpContext = 2300 OnClick = InstalledRebirth1Click end end object Assignments1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Resources' object LoadAss1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Load Assignments' HelpContext = 3050 Hint = 'Lets you load a previously saved assignment' OnClick = LoaddAssClick end object SaveAss1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save Assignments' HelpContext = 3100 Hint = 'Save current assignments (i.e. links to replaced files)' OnClick = SaveAss1Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Import1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Import file from a good friend' HelpContext = 3150 Hint = 'Greetings to him !' OnClick = Import1Click end object Export1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Export and send to a good friend' HelpContext = 3200 Hint = 'With best wishes' OnClick = Export1Click end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object LoadAllBMP1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Auto Assign Bitmaps' HelpContext = 3250 Hint = 'Automatic assignment with all .bmp files in current folder (by o' + 'riginal resource numbers as saved by Extract All)' OnClick = LoadAllClick end object LoadAllAudio1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Auto Assign Audio resources' HelpContext = 3250 Hint = 'Automatic assignment with all .aif files in current folder (by o' + 'riginal resource numbers as saved by Extract All)' OnClick = LoadAllClick end object SaveAllAudio1: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xtract All Audio resources' HelpContext = 3300 Hint = 'Save all audio resources as .aif to current folder' OnClick = SaveAllClick end object SaveAllBMP1: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xtract All Bitmaps' HelpContext = 3300 Hint = 'Save all bitmap resources as .bmp to current folder' OnClick = SaveAllClick end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SetIcon1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Set I&con...' HelpContext = 3350 Hint = 'Assign a new Icon' OnClick = SetIcon1Click end object ExtractIcon1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Extract Ic&on' HelpContext = 3400 Hint = 'Save icon and save to disk' OnClick = ExtractIcon1Click end end object AudioBookmarks1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Bookmarks' end object BMPBookmarks1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Bookmarks' end object Options1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' object KeepExeSize1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Keep Exe Size' HelpContext = 5050 Hint = 'The "save" way of replacing resources by not changing the size o' + 'f the resources' OnClick = CBKeepRawSizeClick end object ButtonText1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Button Text' Checked = True Visible = False OnClick = ButtonText1Click end object ShowToolbar1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show &Toolbar' HelpContext = 5100 Hint = 'Shows or hides the toolbar' OnClick = ShowToolbar1Click end object SaveAudioResources1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save Audio Resources' HelpContext = 5150 Hint = 'The format of audio resources when dragged to current folder' object asWave1: TMenuItem Caption = 'as .&wav' Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 HelpContext = 5150 Hint = 'Extract files as Microsoft linear wave (*.wav)' RadioItem = True OnClick = asWave1Click end object asAIFF1: TMenuItem Caption = 'as .&aif' GroupIndex = 1 HelpContext = 5150 Hint = 'Extract files as Apple/SGI AIFF (*.aif)' RadioItem = True OnClick = asAIFF1Click end end object UnInstallReNovator1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Uninstall ReNovator' OnClick = UnInstallReNovator1Click end end object Help1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' object Contents1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Contents' HelpContext = 6050 OnClick = Contents1Click end object LegalInformation1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Legal Information' HelpContext = 14000 OnClick = LegalInformation1Click end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About' HelpContext = 6100 Hint = 'Shows a mellow About dialog' OnClick = About1Click end end end object ListImages: TImageList Left = 393 Top = 181 end object ButtonDisabled: TImageList AllocBy = 8 Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 397 Top = 232 end object ButtonEnabled: TImageList AllocBy = 8 Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 397 Top = 264 end object ButtonHighLight: TImageList AllocBy = 8 Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 365 Top = 272 end object ResPopUp: TPopupMenu OnPopup = ResPopUpPopup Left = 285 Top = 200 object Detach1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Detach' OnClick = Detach1Click end object LoadAss2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Load Assignments' Hint = 'Lets you load a previously saved assignment' OnClick = LoaddAssClick end object SaveAss2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save Assignments' Hint = 'Save current assignments (i.e. links to replaced files)' OnClick = SaveAss1Click end end object HistoryList1: THistoryList RegSection = 'Company\Program Name' RegDir = 'MRUList' BaseMenu = File1 OnClick = HistoryList1Click HelpContext = 2350 MaxItems = 6 Left = 293 Top = 272 end object AudioBookmarks: TBookmarks RegSection = 'Company\Program Name' RegDir = 'AudioBookmarks' BaseMenu = AudioBookmarks1 OnClick = BookmarksClick HelpContext = 4100 FileBookmarks = False OnGetBookmark = BookmarksGetBookmark AddHelpContext = 4050 DelHelpContext = 4150 Left = 501 Top = 193 end object ExportDlg: TSaveDialog HelpContext = 3200 DefaultExt = 'rnv' Filter = 'ReNovator files (*.rnv)|*.rnv|All Files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist] Title = 'Pass assignments to good friends' Left = 445 Top = 185 end object ImportDlg: TOpenDialog HelpContext = 3150 DefaultExt = 'rnv' Filter = 'ReNovator files (*.rnv)|*.rnv|All files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist] Title = 'Got a file from a good friend ?' Left = 445 Top = 217 end object BMPBookmarks: TBookmarks RegSection = 'Company\Program Name' RegDir = 'BitmapBookmarks' BaseMenu = BMPBookmarks1 OnClick = BookmarksClick HelpContext = 4100 FileBookmarks = False OnGetBookmark = BookmarksGetBookmark AddHelpContext = 4050 DelHelpContext = 4150 Left = 497 Top = 161 end object FilePopup: TPopupMenu OnPopup = FilePopupPopup Left = 289 Top = 153 object OpenWith1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Open' OnClick = OpenWith1Click end object BrowsenewFolder1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Browse new Folder' OnClick = BBrowseDirClick end object DirUp1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Dir up' OnClick = BDirUpClick end object Refresh1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Refresh' OnClick = BRefreshClick end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Bookmarks1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Bookmarks' end object AddBookmark1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add Bookmark' end end object GoToWeb1: TGoToWeb Url = 'http://www.mygale.org/~cresto/' EMail = 'cresto@mygale.org' BrowserState = gwNormal Left = 544 Top = 18 end object OpenIconDlg: TOpenPictureDialog HelpContext = 3350 DefaultExt = 'ico' Filter = 'Icons (*.ico)|*.ico' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist] Left = 385 Top = 121 end object SaveIconDlg: TSavePictureDialog HelpContext = 3400 DefaultExt = 'ico' Filter = 'Icons (*.ico)|*.ico' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist] Left = 385 Top = 145 end object IconPopup: TPopupMenu OnPopup = IconPopupPopup Left = 321 Top = 137 object SetIcon2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Set Icon...' Hint = 'Assign a new Icon' OnClick = SetIcon1Click end object ExtractIcon2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Extract Icon' Hint = 'Save icon and save to disk' OnClick = ExtractIcon1Click end end end