RBrowse V1.7. Yet Another Browser. Very simple. Shows bitmaps, plays CD, MIDI and WAV. Shows .ICO, WMF, EMF, JPG and .GIF(animated also). Displays True Type Fonts by doubleclicking their name. Also displays .EXE,.COM and .DLL-files in some kind of HEX-Editor format. Now also has a simple .HTM, .HTML-viewer. The rest of the files it just loads and tries to show. WHEN VIEWING FONTS THERE IS A POPUPMENU AVAILABLE TO INCREASE/DECREASE FONTSIZE. Play Buttons: (Player Icons). Those are all for the CD-player. However, the Stop button also affects .MID and .WAV files. Copy Destination: (The Road Vanishing In The Distance Icon). Sets the current directory to destination directory for file copy operations. View/Copy: (The Looking Glass/File Cabinet Icon). This one toggles. If it's a looking glass it displays the content in de file You are doubleclicking. If it's a file cabinet it copies the doubleclicked file to the destination directory. Help: (The Live Saving Device Icon). Well, shows this stuff in a shorter format. Well, thats all. Comments suggestions ? Ronald Nordberg Silverv„gen 3 907 50 Ume† Sweden ronald.nordberg@swipnet.se http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-20064/ THIS IS ALL PUBLIC DOMAIN FREEWARE. Version stuff. Version 1.7. Added ability to view .HTM, .HTML files. Version 1.6: More changes. Code cleanup, added popupmenu for adjusting font size when viewing those. Now also shows the font name when displayed. Version 1.5: Big step this time. Modernized the graphical interface. Added the ability to view True Type Fonts. Not just the ones in the system, they can be anywhere. Just doubleclick their name. Version 1.2: This is a plain bugfix release. Version 1.1: Build 2 Added Theodor Kleynhans component for viewing .GIF files. It shows all GIF:s, including animated ones. Version 1.1: Now also shows .ICO, WMF, EMF and JPG files. Version 1.0: Wow, It works !