What's New - Complete History ---------------------------------- New in Version 2.0.2 -------------------- 1. Rebuilt release using (Service Pack 3) due to deployment using ctl3d32.dll which caused problems. Release is also much smaller now. 2. Corrected prob w/ Files > 4GB New in Version 2.0.1 ----------------------------- 1. Rebuilt in Visual Sudio 6.0 (SP2). 2. Corrected Directory summaries if greater than 4GB. 3. Moved application file installation to "\Program Files\SumDir32". 4. Added options to save as TXT or CSV in both SumDir32 and DskSpc32 5. Added convenience links for "Reboot, Shutdown and Logoff" (Win9X Only). New in Version 1.0.15 (and the short-lived 1.0.14) -------------------------------------------------- 1. Added Double-Click same window drill downs. 2. Added Pie Chart to both SumDir32 and DskSpc32 3. Option to display Short Form in SumDir32 (minimal colums) 4. Revised Help File to reflect new functionality and snapshots. New in Version 1.0.13 --------------------- 1. Fixed DskSpc32 to support partitions > 2GB accurately. 2. When SumDir32 is launched with no options "My Computer" will default. New in Version 1.0.12 --------------------- 1. Added options for DiskSpace32 to check Network Disks, Floppy Disks, Removable Disks and CDROMs 2. Added file system type to DiskSpace32 3. Revised display grids to use MSFlexGrid in place of obsolete MSGrid. This allows column resizing and a cleaner display. 4. Revised DiskSpace32 Print Routine to handle additional columns 5. Added the ability to specify individual disks and directories to SumDir32. Use the input box and separate with ";" Version 1.0.11 -------------- (Never released) New in Version 1.0.10 --------------------- 1. Added Context Menu on Grid to Clear Archive Recursive and Clear Archive Immediate. As these imply, selecting a Directory Row and choosing one of these will clear archive bits for all files in the directory either immediately within the directory or recursively beginning with the directory. 2. Recompiled in VB5 using Native option for a little better performance. 3. Modified the installation to place both SumDir32 and DiskSpace32 in a SumDir32 folder in the Programs group. 4. Fixed a problem reporting disks > 4GB in DiskSpace32. Sizes are now reported correctly New in Version 1.0.9 -------------------- 1. Fixed Help Launch under Windows NT 4.0 New in Version 1.0.8 -------------------- 1. Options were added to the "SumDir32" Menu Bar. Option choices include "Check Removable Disks" (applies to both SumDir32 and DskSpc32) and toggling the SumDir32 grid display between Bytes, KiloBytes (KB) or MegaBytes (MB). Note : KB = 1024 Bytes MB = 1024 * 1024 Bytes New in Version 1.0.7 -------------------- 1. Removed sort options from Main form in favor of clicking on any header. That is, to sort the display by a specific column, simply click on the column header. Subsequent clicks on the header alternate between ascending and descending. 2. Here's the big one (for me at least), all VB file functions were replaced with API calls. The net effect is a speed improvement between 10 and 15 times. The use of the APIs not only make it faster, but more accurate. It solved a problem with filenames beginning with '.' not being recognized (i.e. ".Default"). 3. Printing capabilities were added to both SumDir32 and DskSpc32. At this time it requires the presence of the "New Courier" font. This is a nonproportional font which was easier to work with. 4. "Changed MB" and a "Refresh" button were added to DskSpc32. The intention is to run DskSpc32 before doing disk cleanup operations or directory moves. When the changes are done, click "Refresh" to see the net effect of the changes. 5. A Total line was added to "DskSpc32". 6. A column was added to display the cluster size in "DskSpc32" 7. Right-Click support was added to "DskSpc32". These options now allow "Copy, SumDir32 and Explore" of displayed disks in the grid. New in Version 1.0.6 (Never released) ------------------------------------- 1. DskSpc32 was significanly enhanced to provide more information New in Version 1.0.5 -------------------- 1. Due to what appears to be a bug in VB4 retrieving file attributes of some files, such as 'pagefile.sys' on Windows NT, using Compressed or Temp attributes (attributes of 2 bytes instead of 1) SumDir32 used to return "Unable to Access : C:\". This was actually the result of an Illegal Procedure Call caused by the bug. I have worked around this by not categorizing these types of files. Information for these new file types will be included in the "Total Files" and "Total Bytes" columns, but NOT under Archive or any other subcategory. 2. Version 1.0.5 has been fully tested on Windows NT 3.51 New in Version 1.0.4 -------------------- 1. Complete installation including : a. DiskSpace32 added to the Desktop Programs folder b. Automatic Explorer configuration 2. Cleaner install/deinstall 3. Disk search for SumDir32 in "My Computer" mode and DskSpc32 should be more tolerant to removable disks. 4. "New" has been added to the "File" pull-down menu in SumDir32 to start new summaries without exiting SumDir32. 5. Volume names are now displayed in DiskSpace32 6. The DiskSpace32 executable has been changed to DskSpc32.exe to keep with the old DOS 8.3 naming conventions. The initial ZIP extract will now work with pkzip 2.04. SumDir version 1.03 assumed WinZip would be used which supports long filenames.