EyeDrives version 3x EyeDrives is a utility for viewing free, used and total space on multiple partitions on your computer. Amounts can be viewed in bytes, k-bytes, m-bytes or g-bytes. Also includes information showing memory and resource usage. To install un-zip the files to a temporary directory and run setup. To un-install use Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel. This program is designed to work under Windows95/98 (not NT) with either FAT16 or FAT32 file systems. Legal stuff. This freeware release is provided "as-is". Use this program entirely at your own risk, the author will not be responsible for any loss of data or damage to your or anyone else's computer. This program is free, you may freely copy it and use it as long as all the original files are kept together. EyeDrives may not be sold or modified and can only be distributed as freeware. It may be distributed, intact, with other freeware or shareware programs as long as no money is asked for this program. This program remains copyright of the author. Copyright © Tracy Jane Deichmann 1996-99 tracy@peninsula.starway.net.au http://softtalon.bizland.com/