..Orangator was supposed to be a.. ..program that mixes two drumloops.. ..I could not imagine that it would.. ..grow so much!.. Orangator 2.0 Documentation. ============================ Contents: --------- 1.What is Orangator? 2.How does the Orangator work? 3.Creating sound with Orangator. 4.Tips. 5.Real-time mode. 6.What's new. 7.Disclaimer. 8.Visual Orangator? 9.Contacts. 10.Sponsoring. 11.Greets. 1. What is Orangator: Orangator is a program that lets you create sounds without sampling, it is very useful for people who want to make their own samples, but don't have an analogue synthesizer or a professional sampler. With Orangator you can make all types of techno 303-like sounds, synth-strings, sweeps, 808-like drums and even some acoustic-like bells and organs. Orangator features some cool effects like resonance (of course!), phaser and delay. Sorry - no hall or room are implemented due to the lack of hardware speed. Reverb available only in non-real-time mode. Main features: - 10 independend oscillators. - Amplitude, frequency, shape modulation. - Waveforms : sin, |sin|, even sin, square, triangle, saw, double saw noise, light noise, custom, 2 samples. - 16-band harmonics generator with detune. - Ring modulation, Sync, linear FM synthesis. - Resonance, high/low-pass cutoff, 2 average filters. - 32-bit Reverb, flanger & chorus with linear interpolation, feedback with cycle feature. - Realtime effects: feedback & flanger. - Chord generator. - Sequencer with 32 notes, portamento, sustain. - 3 envelope generators, 2 lfo's, noise generator, custom graphic envelope. - Pre/Post overdrive, wrap overdrive. - Automatic fat sound generator. - Realtime MIDI input. - MIDI ADSR envelope. - Perfect MIDI timing independing on sound card accuracy. 2. How does the Orangator work: Simply, it has some mathematical formules inside, controlled with envelopes, processed with filters and then saved on disk as a sample or played in real time. 3. Creating sound with Orangator: To create a sound you have to begin with "Mixer" menu. There choose the length and frequency of playing, you may load two 16-bit samples (can be useful for drum-loops) in file menu, and set leght to Sample 1, Sample 2 or custom. I do not recommend you to set long length (more than 20-30k) for the first time because you should wait too much while computer renders the sound. The sample's frequency can be controlled separately with frequency slider, envelopes, LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) and anything you select. After selecting some length and frequency you should go to "Oscillators" menu. Oscillator is a thing that generates sound. There are 10 oscillators, to activate one of them simply select "active". You can choose different waveforms, noice or samples as a sound source. The frequency, relative frequency, shape and volume are controlled with sliders, envelopes and anything you select. Also you may want to make some more complex and rich sound - then you should use "Harmonics", a panel that looks like a very big equalizer and acts like this. Selecting a "Custom" waveform in oscillator lets you draw it yourself. Do it in "Waveform" menu with mouse. If you want to generate some melody or bassline with your sound you should go to "Sequencer" menu. There is some kind of tracker ;). Set the needed pattern length and enter some notes. Edit the "Sequencer Envelope" - it is kinda instrument's settings - attack, decay and sustain, while editing it is very helpful to look at the WaveGraphic showing "SeqEnv". After tracking the cool progression of notes go to "Oscillators" menu, set the "Frequency" slider to base note and select it to be controlled by "Seq" (sequencer), also you need to hang volume controller on "SEnv" (Sequencer Envelope) to have your notes' volumes sound properly. Also you are able to transpose note sequence by changing oscillators frequency. This can be used as a arpegiator function. If you want to make a chord, in 2.0 version you don't have to turn on more oscillators. Just go to sequencer menu, check the chord box and write the notes you wish to have. After choosing waveform and entering notes you have to visit the "Filters" menu (it will take effect only if "filter" is selected in "Oscillatiors"). Here you can find the mighty "Resonance", not very useful "Average Filter", "Average Resonance Filter" and "Cut Off". Resonance is the main thing that lets your buzz sound like cool 303, hang it on LFO (don't forget to set big Amplitude in "LFO" menu), envelope or Graphic Envelope which is very useful thing in this way. If you want to add some echo, reverb, overdrive or just adjust the main volume - go to "Amplifiers" menu. To make a cool echo turn "FeedBack" active, lower its volume to 50-70% and set the legth of delay to some hundreds of milliseconds, also you may add silence to make the echo smooth coming down to zero and turn on "Cyclic" to make cyclic echoes in arpegio or bassline grooves. After creating such a wonderful sound you may want to save it ;). I hope you are clever enough to press "Save" button for that. 4. Tips. - Custom envelope and custom waveform: To delete a point drag it out of window. - Ring modulator: When RingMod box checked, the oscillator modulates all the previous oscillators by amplitude. - Calming dependence: Than higher value, than less resonance on higher frequencies. Make it higher if you get whistles on high resonance frequencies. - Clicks: Check the attack and decay length, if they are too short, there can be clicks. Usually 1% is enough to avoid them. Also if you use samples, try changing it's start position. - Sequencer: If you can't put notes, make sure your keyboard driver is english. To put notes, use your keyboard like in tracker (Q is C note), P - portamento, S - sustain. - If you have long delay in realtime. If you have gus, try changing gus playback buffer length in GUS settings to lower value (512bytes is ok). 5. Real-time mode: By turning real-time mode on you can use orangator as a real analogue monophonic synthesizer. That means that it doesn't render samples anymore, now it renders all the time, and if your CPU fast enough, you won't notify that. The reason of real-time mode is: now you can produce real analogue sound, but not it's sampled variant. You can play it with midi keyboard and (after long efforts by me) delay won't be too long. Also you may write something in sequencer and using midi loopback drivers (like HUBI's ones) listen for it through orangator. 6. What's new. version 1.0 First release version (previous 20 ones were not released). version 1.1 - Reverb. - Progress bar. - Graphic Envelope quality improved. - 2xSaw waveform implemented. - LFO accuracy is now 4-times better. - Bug with file length change fixed. - Scrolling in zoomed view. version 2.0 - Real-time mode. - Much improved midi input. - ADSR midi envelope. - Two midi controllers. - Improved sequencer. - Harmonics functions added. - ESS midi in / wave out bug fixed. - Ini file. - Utilities buttons. - Triangle LFO shape. - LFO phase. - Normalize tool. - Fat sound generation wizard. =) - Transposing sequencer (can be used as arpegiator). - Chord generator. - 32-bit reverb. - Flanger with linear interpolation. - Bug with 'p' key fixed. - Extremly fine chorus with linear interpolation. - Flanger is realtime now. - Ring modulator. - Some crossing features removed. - Background rendering! You can change whatever you want without problems, and at last it will render it all. - FM synthesis. - Unlimited sample length. - Harmonic detune. - Phase modulation. - Even sine waveform implemented. 7. Disclaimer This program is to be distributed freely and widely. But it cannot be sold and used in any commercial way. If you are interested in commercial use of this program, first off contact us & get our approval. It is freeware but only for non-commercial use. If you write music with it, you must send it to me to my e-mail. If you make new presets, you should also send them to me. We're also not responsible for any kind of hardware or mind damage caused to you by this program. Use it on your risk. :) If you use this program, send greets to us, 'cause it's not only a freeware, but it's also a GREETWARE. :) 8. Visual Orangator? Visual Orangator is a next generation of Orangator, and the reason of it is that Orangator have fixed number of Filters, Oscillators and Envelopers. It means that you can't use different resonance filters for different oscillators, or you can't use one oscillator as a frequency modulator of another one. Visual Orangator breaks all this limitations and with it you can use as many oscillators, as you want, and connect them however you want! You don't have anymore to search for unused envelope! Now you're able to write complete song only in orangator (but will anyone dare?). =) So, for now it works any have all the basic units (oscillators, envelopers, mixer, iterator and something else). Wait for release! 9. Contacts: If you have any suggestions, want to became a beta-tester, can give me some interesting ORPs, VOPs or just modules, contact me [Agent Orange]: - 2:5020/740.17@fidonet.org / agorka@hotmail.com - Phone: +7(095)376-9073 (ask for Oleg) - Russia, Moscow, Tashkentskaya street, 15/22, apt 277 Sharonov Oleg Yurievich 10. Sponsoring: I'm tired of doing things for free, so if you think you are able to - Pay for Orangator ($30, or whatever you can); - Make a commercial project of it; - Just send me some money/samples/CDs/ORPs/synthesizers then contact me and we'll talk of it. 11. Greets: Contributors: Pirj Alexander Cherkashin Text written by: Tangerine//trx//lkr Agent Orange // trx