JLC SplitIt 95 Version 3.01 for Windows 95/98 Written by Justin Crowell ReadMe File - January 24, 1999 LICENSE: JLC SplitIt 95 is FREEWARE and is provided "AS IS". I am not to be held responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly by this program. If you distribute this program, you MUST include all original files. You may NOT decompile, reverse engineer, or modify this program in any way. By installing this software, you accept the above license agreement. WARNING: This program has only been tested with Windows 95 and 98. This program will definitely not run under Windows 3.1 and wasn't designed for Windows NT. This program hasn't been tested with Windows NT so run at your own risk. If you have any problems with this program, you can contact me at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING/UNINSTALLING SPLITIT 95 To install JLC SplitIt 95 just unzip the zip file and run the program "Install.exe" If you're upgrading from an earlier version, you don't have to uninstall the previous version, just install the new one in the same directory. If you want to isntall the new version in a different directory, you should uninstall the old one first. NOTE: If you used a zip utility that doesn't support long filenames to unzip this archive, the filenames may be truncated or the files themselves may be currupted. I recommend a zip utility that supports long filenames such as WinZip which can be found at: To uninstall JLC SplitIt 95, go to the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, select JLC SplitIt 95 from the program list and click Add/Remove. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION JLC SplitIt 95 is a file splitting utility for Windows 95/98. You can take a file (usually a .zip file) and split it into pieces. Why would you want to do this? Well, if you have a program you want to take to a friend's house you can split it into pieces the size of a floppy disk and put each piece on a disk. Also, if you want to send someone a file over modem or the net, you can send it in pieces so if you get disconnected, you can start on whatever piece you were on instead of all over again. After you've splitted a file, to combine the pieces back together, just double-click the join file that SplitIt 95 creates when it splits the file. It's that easy! Just make sure you transport it with the pieces and that ALL the pieces are in the same directory when you run the join file. For more information and updates on this program you can go to the JLC SplitIt 95 Homepage at: If you have any questions, problems, bugs, or complaints, you can email me at: Also, if you have suggestions on anything that would make this program easier to use, better, or whatever, I'd like to hear it!