MakeZexe - a FREE self-extracting Zip-file maker Copyright (C) 1998 Anders Norlander MakeZexe comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * Introduction MakeZexe is a free self-extracting Zip-file maker without any copyright messages, nag-screens and other such things. You are free to copy this program as you like as long as you preserve all the files that came in the original package. * Files in package README.TXT This file. makezexe.exe The program. zsfxcon Console self-extracting module. zsfxgui GUI self-extracting module. * Using MakeZexe MakeZexe is very easy to use, just select a Zip-file and a name for the self-extracting archive. If you want to create a self-extractor that runs in console mode, you should check the "Console" checkbox. You may enter an optional message that is displayed when the archive is extracted. Press "Create" to create the self-extracting archive. When you are finished creating archives, press "Cancel". * Contact information You may contact the author via email: Anders Norlander The sources for the program are not available, since they are such a mess. I might make them available if there is a demand.