Main Window


Menu commands and toolbar buttons:

File menu

Button Menu command Description
  Accounts... Shows the accounts dialog.
  Update Updates the list of emails.
  Cancel Cancels current operation.
  Open... Shows the content of the email.
  Source... Shows the source code of the email.
  Save As... Saves the selected email into a file.
  Reply to sender Creates a reply message to the sender.
  Delete Deletes selected emails.
  Exit Quits PopMan.

View menu

Menu command Description
Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar.
Statusbar Shows or hides the statusbar.

Tools menu

Menu command Description
Font... Changes the font of the listview.
Font color... Changes the font color of the listview.
Import accounts... Imports email accounts from Outlook Express.
Options Changes program settings.

Help menu

Menu command Description
Help... Shows this Help.
Check for updates Checks if a new version is available.
About PopMan... Displays program information, version number and copyright.