Color Khablashooqator Pro v2.10 Program's purpose: Generate HTML text color slides for amounts of text, and/or more than a simple color to color slide. Do it accurate and fast, while being easy to use and good natured as much as the Windows enviroment offers. teehee. =) When coding the first generation of this program(that is, ColorSnuff, and after that ColorSnuff Pro) I was quite sure that this is the only color slides generator available. I don't know who coded the first one, but I saw only two others. One called Color Fazer, and the other one, which didn't even load. Color Fazer is a good program, but lacks the ability to handle real texts. Another disadvantage - although you can fix up to 10 colors for one line, it's not up to you on which letter, will be what color. Program's main features: The program uses "script" files. Files you can actually create on your own using a simple text editor and a color picker, or use Color Khablashooqator's editor. There are a few color manipulation commands implented: Colors can be inverted(that is, blue turns to yellow for instance), swapped(reversed), copied one upon the other, or, you can have the program choose colors for you at random. There is also a special button that both copies second color onto the first color, and chooses a random color (second color) - that is because this is the easiest way to create cool multiple slides. Another color manipulation option is the use of "scheme" files. The format will be introduced later on. You can create scheme files, and use one scheme file for all of your texts. CKSP(Color Khablashooqator Pro) can also generate complete HTML files. That is, with title, specific font properties and font size, and background color (the output has been tested with an HTML validator). CKSP, by default, also adds HTML REM(comment) lines with the original text, so that it will be easier to correct spelling/typing mistakes. The output can be saved either to an HTML file, or to the clipboard (complete HTML files are not saved to clipboard). How to use the program: Picking colors: There are a few ways to choose colors. One is using the "quick" palette (looks like the paintshop palette, and is on the left pane of the window). There are two radio buttons - Color 1, and Color 2. Choose one of them and use the quick palette. If you double click on one of them, you'll get the Windows palette(ChooseColor common dialog) to pick your desired color from. Another way of changing the color is using the color text boxes, in which the color is shown in HTML RGB format. Between the two radio buttons there are two boxes showing the selected colors. If you change the text directly, you'll have to double-click the text box in order to update the color box. Between the color text boxes, there's another color box, showing an example of the color slide. In order to refresh it, double click the box. Changing text, and script: There's a large text box, which is meant for the text to be Khablashooqated and/or put into the script file. A script line doesn't mean a text line! In order to create a new text line(that is, a khablashooqated text line in the html), use "
" (or press Ctrl+Enter in the text box). This way, you can sum up script lines to one text line that has a color slide of more than 2 colors(actually, you can get infinite slides in one line... if it's long enough). After typing your text there, press Alt-A or click the [Add] button. In order to re-edit it, double click it in the script list box, or click once and press Alt-E or click the [Edit] button. After changing it, you can either [Update] the edited line, enter it as a new line - [Add] - or insert a copy of it in another place - [Insert]. You can also [Delete] lines from the script or clear the whole script. There are two option boxes above the large text box. One to delete the text every time you add a line, and another one, if you feel like putting the CKSP "On-Top". There are two other option boxes, in the bottom-right corner of the window - one for comments(which is by default enabled) and one to generate complete HTML files. Once you click that, you'll get a new window to set file title, font properties and size, and background color. The HTML properties are NOT saved to the script file. File formats: Script files(extension .txt): Each script must have a header - 5 letters - "cksps". (only this in the first line). The following lines are in this format: XXXXXX YYYYYY Zzzzzzzzzzzzz... When the Xs stand for the "from" color, Ys are "to" color and Zzz is the text. The colors are in HTML RGB format(that is first 2 hex digits are for Red, the next 2 are for green and the last for blue). Corrupt scripts will be loaded into CKSP, and CKSP will also save corrupt scripts(once loaded). But it won't handle them, will display an error message, and open a new script. Scheme files(extension .sch): Each scheme file starts with the 10 letters header "ckspscheme". Following lines are in this format: XXXXXX Xs stand for HTML RGB color. Schemes work this way - If you have a scheme with Red, Green and Blue, the first line of script text will be Red to Green, and the second - Green to Blue. Scheme files let you have the same effect on different texts. Some other info: All special characters will be saved as entities in the HTML file(that includes quotes and such, and international characters). A bit on the name - Khabla Shooqa(KHAB-la SHU-qa) is a common phrase amongst me and my friends. It has no meaning. We inflected the phrase to a verb - Khablashooqate(or in Hebrew - Lekhablesh) which has the meaning of "to do stuff"(like "to smurf"). (taken from old ColorSnuff Pro text) : This guy who helped me in the testing era of this prog, told me that the secret of making good color slides is "choosing close colors, such as yellow and orange, or a bit bright yellow, etc." - its prolly a good tip as i only do green->red when i test it... =) If you think there's ANYTHING that should be added - don't hesitate and e-mail! What's new: Color Khablashooqator Pro: version 2.10 -- 10-10-2000 perhaps i made some changes since the last release but I don't remember, so I didn't change the version number... the one thing I do know of - CKsP is now a postcardware... =) version 2.10 -- 17-01-2000 Hmm... don't remember what I done... but I like it! Just to make sure that what I have is released, I recompiled it, since I don't remember the last time I touched CKsP's code! version 2.09 -- 30-09-1999 Fixed a bug, added right-click handling on color text boxes. version 2.08 -- 07-08-1999 Fixed 2 bugs that could crash the program with devision by zero. version 2.07 -- 02-08-1999 Fixed Full HTML generation, added two menu shortcuts (for File and Help). version 2.06 -- 16-06-1999 Added stupid Help... fixed a bug... version 2.05 -- 07-06-1999 Changed the interface a bit... fixed a few so-called bugs... ctrl-enter for
... hehe... that's it... version 2.04 -- 12-05-1999 Nothing new that really matters to anyone... it's just, again, more UF. version 2.03 -- 27-04-1999 Put a nice crosshair cursor for quick-pallete... made the program more "user-friendly" (or is it just the way _I_ like it? hehehe...) version 2.02 -- 16-03-1999 Added a Copy&Randomize Color 2 button ([C&P 2]). Removed dead code lines. version 2.01 -- 10-02-1999 Fixed a few so-called bugs... version 2.00 -- 02-02-1999 This is a the new generation of ColorSnuff Pro. It's sort of hard to think of all the new stuff as there's alot... No more 3 files - only one file which is a great editor(much better than the scripter) and HTML generator. Added color manipulation commands, better script editing interface, fixed a few bugs in the generator code, fixed stuff related to the dialogs, new look for the complete HTML dialog(i might add font face again), added scheme files support. and probably other stuff as well... =) ColorSnuff Pro: version 1.02 -- 04-11-1998 A bug discovered! =P (and fixed...) lines with "
"s in them didn't go all the way to the "to-color" because I didn't calculate the length the way I was supposed to... well... who cares?? it's fixed now! version 1.01 -- 27-10-1998 Added two things: - new toggle - whether to save rem lines in which the original line will be inserted(so you'll be able to know where to fix a typo, etc.) - when creating a complete HTML, you can tell the program to add a main font tag that got a face variable(only arial, courier and times fonts are supported as they're the most common... i think(?)) =) version 1.0 -- 17-10-1998 Nothing new.. it's the stupid first version(there's so much to add... hehehehe... can't wait till the next version... hehehehehe...) Contact the author: My nick is Zzzbla. You can contact me via e-mail - or on ICQ - UIN 9722789(although I rarely get online). You should also check out my sites for updates and other stuff: