MULTILINGUAL SPEAKING CLOCK - VERSION HISTORY ============================================= Version 2.01 - released 2000-12-16 --------------------------------- Fixes: - The "Always on top" setting did not work when the clock was restarted. - Access violation error if the path to the clock directory was too long (occured mostly on non-english versions of Windows). Version 2.0 - released 2000-09-14 --------------------------------- News: - Re-designed interface and display design, now completely graphical. The title bar is optional and the buttons can be transparent. - Improved alarm functionality with four inbuilt sounds and an option to announce the time when the alarm goes off. - The taskbar window is disabled by default, but can be enabled if the user prefers it. - New languages will be automatically installed and a dialog box confirms any added languages. No need to update the LANG.DAT file manually. - Global shortcut for time announcements, Ctrl-Alt-S will announce time even if the clock is minimized. Can be disabled, to avoid conflicts with other software. Fixes: - Better organised help file, with contents. - Many internal changes, which makes the clock more resource-friendly and easier to extend. - New and more efficient storing of settings in the Registry. - Improved autostart handling, which fixes a few problems. - Improved install/uninstall routine, which fixes a few problems. Version 1.3 - released 1999-09-19 --------------------------------- News: - Improved small display (takes less space) and easier to understand menu choices to select between small and big (normal) display. - Alarm alert form now has it's own button in the task bar (which makes it easier to spot if the clock is minimized when the alarm goes off). - Autostart possibility, makes the clock start when you start Windows. No more manual shortcuts etc. - Refreshed display design. - Time and date displayed as hint for the system tray icon. - Now works with "big fonts" selected in Windows (120 dpi). - Full install/uninstall support. Fixes: - Many internal fixes to small bugs that occasionally appeared. - No more crashes when the window is out of the screen when the application is ended and then restarted. - No need to specify working directory when the clock is started from a shortcut. Version 1.2b - released 1999-01-06 --------------------------------- News: - There is a new option in the Settings dialog for always starting the application minimized in the system tray. - The setting for displaying the date has been removed and the date will always be shown. - A new popup dialog appears the first time you run the application after upgrading to a new version. Fixes: - There was an error in saving the settings when the clock was not closed "properly". Now the settings are saved even if Windows is closed with the clock still running. Version 1.2a - released 1998-11-21 --------------------------------- News: - There is now an "always on top" choice for the minimized display, see the settings dialog box. - The interval for the alarm sound can now be set by the user, see the alarm setup dialog box. Fixes: - The settings saving routine has been altered slightly, which hopefully fixes the problem with the settings not beeing saved on some systems. (This was not a bug in the clock, but in the compiler used to compile the clock.) Version 1.2 - released 1998-08-29 --------------------------------- News: - There is now an icon in the system tray, and the application window disappears when the application is minimized. - New minimized display option (not to be confused with minimizing the application) available through the popup menu. - The alarm can be set to play any wave file. - The alarm time can be input with the keyboard and adapts to the time format (12/24 hr) chosen in the settings dialog. - The system menu extensions have been replaced by a popup menu. - The screen position is saved when exiting. Fixes: - Small display bug in graphic mode. Version 1.1b - released 1998-07-02 --------------------------------- News: - The system menu now has the same options as the toolbar provides. - A welcome screen is shown the first time the application execute. Version 1.1a - released 1998-06-29 --------------------------------- News: - The toolbar can now be activated with shortcuts from the keyboard, because the toolbar is not visible for blind people using a screen reader. A blind friend in California made me aware of this, thanks! Version 1.1 - released 1998-06-24 --------------------------------- News: - New language module interface, makes it easier to add languages. - Only English language in the distribution file, additional languages can be downloaded separately. Fixes: - Announce mode was always on, regardless of setting. - When time was between 10 and 12 am, the graphic display omitted the first digit in 12 hr format. Version 1.0 - released 1998-06-14 --------------------------------- First release.