v4.0 21-Aug-2002 - default font is now 8 rather than 10 to ensure everything "fits" in default setting. - updated Hint labels to emphasise the clipboard copying and History list are of "displayed" values. - updated Readme to note the difference between displayed and internal values. - improved labelling and hints for fields in Options. - info button now displays menu - which includes Display Readme and About. - Error reason no longer displayed - under info button there is a "Reason for Error" option. - XP Style Buttons can now be turned off (for those using WinXP) if you would prefer the Coloured buttons. - Fixed changing BackPanel Colour. - Sunken Font on the Buttons can now be toggled. - Gamma, Speed of Light and Gravity moved to Constant Menu (Options Btn). - Now utilising a completely rewritten calculator engine. - Calculator is now centred on the Screen not the Desktop. - Improved Calculator Display when entering, formatting doesn't occur until number is fully entered. - Some improvements handling of unary '+'. - Some Keyboard handling improvements. - M+ and M- now work as though Equals was pressed prior to Memory adjustments as this confirms with common calculator usage. - Exit removed from About Dialog. - Improved Hint Management. - Maximize Button removed from About Dialog. - Better Centring of Dialogs. - Pressing Underscore has the same effect as Change Sign Button. - Exit Button removed, and options button moved to that position. - Options dialogs combined and redesigned. - Configuration Data now stored in Application Data Directory for Windows 2000/XP and in the Application's Directory for Windows 9X/NT4 - Registry no longer used. - Redesigned the Optional Tray Icon support. - ESB URL's updated. - ESBCalc Pro Suite Info added to the Info Button Menu. - Some more optimisation to underlying code. v3.1.2 - 11-Feb-2002 - Improved handling of unary '-' and '+'. v3.1.1 - 7-Feb-2002 - Value now also displayed on Paper Trail when pasting. v3.1 - 5-Feb-2002 - Some users were experiencing problems with the Paper Trail and Buttons not appearing in the correct place. So we have redesigned things and this should no longer happen. - Users with "Larger" System Fonts should find that things behave better. - Can now also customise the Font Size not just the Font. Note that not all fonts and sizes look good. Calculator Font Size is not applied to the buttons only the Value and Memory. - More improvements to Look'n'Feel. - Focus Colour for the Decimal Spin Edit and Edits in the Options can now be set. - Improved Hint (ToolTip) Display. v3.0 - 28-Jan-2002 - WinXP Look'n'Feel when run under Windows XP - No longer uses a ToolWindow so that it will look better under Windows XP - Numeric Keys to support Repeat when held down with mouse - Paper not shown by default when using 640x480 (Calculator is really designed for 800x600 or better) - Commercial Glyphs and other products are now used in the development of ESBCalc - as such the Source is no longer available. Delphi/BCB can get similar functionality from the Calculator Components inside ESBPCS. - Now requires 16-bit or better Colour now required. v2.1 - 25-June-2001 - Now compiled in Borland Delphi 6 - Now uses ESBPCS v2 (Beta) - Now uses LMD-Tools 5.0.5 - Buttons made a bit wider, and thus the Calculator is a bit wider - Calculator Font can now be customised - Verdana is the factory setting, Arial is the Plain. - Decimal Places now defaults to 2 on first run. v2.0.2 - 1-June-2001 - Fixed 1/X not appearing on Paper Trail - Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes in Hints. v2.0.1 - 22-Mar-2001 - Fixed bug with Paper Trail toggling - Paper Trail status now stored in Registry v2.00 - 21-Mar-2001 - Log 2 and Power of 2 (Inv Log 2) Added - Hyperbolic Sin, Cos & Tan (and their inverses) added - Constants moved from Menu to Buttons - Copy Memory to Clipboard Btn Added - Paper Trail Added - Improved Hint Methodology - Improved Colour Selections - Enhanced About Box - Button Layout improved - Fixed Equal Key on Keyboard processing - Fixed Inv X^2 and Inv Sqrt - Pressing '^' on Keyboard is the same as pressing the Power Btn - Better use of our ESBPCS Controls & Routines