RefreshForce End-User License Agreement V1.0 (30 Jun 2002) ================================================================================= SOFTWARE USE AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY THIS DOCUMENT. This document is a legal agreement between you (the end-user) and the software author (Gregory Maynard-Hoare). By copying or executing this software on/onto any medium or hardware, you are agreeing to the terms within this document. This document supersedes all prior versions of this License Agreement (if unnumbered, they must be assumed as prior versions). 1) Software use license: You are permitted to use and copy this software, providing you completely agree with the terms stated in this document. If you do NOT comply or agree with this license in any form, or if you do not understand any of it, you are NOT permitted to use or copy this software, and you must destroy all copies of it, and its associated files immediately. 2) Distribution limitations: You can give anyone one or more FREE copies of this program, providing you give them a COMPLETE copy of ALL of the original files, in either one of two states: redistributing the original '.zip file', or, redistributing a directory with all the (original) extracted files, and no other files, in it. You may upload this software to the internet, in it's original '.zip file', or distribute it on any medium, providing you comply with the agreements in this license. If this software is to be mass reproduced for the purpose of magazine cover disks, this is allowed, but the author must be notified, otherwise, it is your choice whether you notify the author or not. 3) Renting/selling: You must NOT sell or rent this software under any circumstances. 4) Code Protection: You are NOT allowed to reverse engineer, decompile, or view any source code associated with this software. This software is NOT public domain. 5) No warranties: You use this software completely at your own risk: there are NO warranties made (express OR implied). This software is provided 'as is', and no guarantee AT ALL is given that this software will meet ANY of your requirements, nor that it will do (either partial or fully) what it, or the documentation claims it will do. 6) Disclaimer: The author DISCLAIMS ALL DAMAGE to ANY of your property (whether it is your hardware, software, storage medium, or anything else computer, or non-computer related) that may be caused by the use, misuse, or distribution of this software, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such loss. If you lose anything (including, but not limited to, time or money) as a result of the use, misuse, or distributing of this program, YOU ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE for ALL costs, and you agree to hold the author COMPLETELY harmless for ALL costs in ANY shape or form. 7) Legal: If any legal costs are incurred as a result of your use, misuse, or distribution of this program, you agree to pay ALL of the costs incurred. 8) Trademarks: No trademark infringement is intended. All company, brand or product names or logos, are, or may be, copyrights, trademarks, and/or trade names of their respective owners. Copyright Gregory Maynard-Hoare. All Rights Reserved.