IECookiesView v1.40
Copyright (c) 2002 - 2003 Nir Sofer
Web site:


IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer.
In addition, It allows you to do the following actions:

Advantages of this utility

System Requirements


This utility is released as freeware. You can freely use and distribute it. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package including the readme.txt, without any modification !


The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.

Start using the IECookiesView utility

This utility is a standalone executable, and it doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, simply run the executable (iecv.exe) from any folder you want. If you have a network, you can put the executable on the server, allowing all the workstations on the network to use this utility... And remember: No additional DLLs are required. As long as you have Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 and above) on your computer, it'll work !

If you want to create a shortcut to IECookiesView utility or to add a cookies button to Internet Explorer toolbar, you can easily do it by using the "Installation Options" window in the File menu.

The main window

The main window of IECookiesView contains two sub-windows: The top sub-window displays the list of all cookies files and their details. When you select (highlight) a cookies file in the top sub-window, its cookies are shown in the bottom sub-window. Each cookies file has at least one cookie line in the bottom sub-window, unless it's deleted or corrupted. You can increase and decrease the size of both windows by dragging the splitter to the right direction.

The top sub-window

The top sub-window displays the details of each cookies file in 11 different columns.
You can add, remove, or change the location of a column, by using the "Choose columns" option in the View menu.
The following table provides basic information about each available column:
Column Name Description
Web site The Web site that use this cookies file.
Hits Number of times that the cookies file was accessed by the Web site. This value is increased by one in each time that the Web site receives information from the cookies file.
Accessed Date The last time that the cookies file was accessed by the Web site.
Modified Date The last time that the cookies file was modified by the Web site.
Created Date The time that the cookies file was originally created.
Size The size of the cookies file (in bytes)
User The logged-on user that accepted the cookie. For this column, there is a different between Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP:
  • In Windows NT/2000/XP: Each user has a separated cookies folder, so the value in this column is always identical for all cookies.
  • In Windows 95/98/ME: Unless you explicitly create new user profiles, all users share the same cookies folder (in c:\windows\cookies), and thus you can watch the cookies of all users on the system.
Filename the filename of this cookie in the cookies folder.
Status The status of the cookies file. It can be one of the following statuses:
  • Active: The cookies file is active.
  • Deleted: The cookies file was deleted. Deleted cookies files will be shown only if "Deleted Cookies Files" in the View menu is checked.
  • Duplicate: The record is a duplicate reference to the same cookies file. Duplicate references in the cookies index file are shown only if "Duplicate Records" in the View menu is checked.
Ad This column can help to identify unwanted advertising related cookies.
This column can contain one of the following values:
  • Yes: The cookie file was created by a known advertising Web site.
  • Suspect: The Web site that created this cookie file is possibly related to advertising. IECookiesView identifies suspect Web sites by parsing the URL of the Web site.
  • Unknown: IECookiesView cannot determine whether the cookie file was created by an advertising Web site.
Domain In many cases, one Web site might create cookies with different host names. For example: might send you cookies with the following host names:,, and more...
This column displays the domain name of the Web site, by extracting it from the Web site name. If you sort the cookies list by this column, you can easily view all cookies of a specific Web site (e.g.: All cookies files of will be displayed in one chunk)

When you click on a column header, the cookies files list is sorted by the clicked column. A second click sorts the column in descending order.

The bottom sub-window

The bottom sub-window displays the details of the highlighted cookies file in 6 different columns:
Column Name Description
Key The name of the cookie
Value The value of the cookie
Domain The domain name. It usually the same as the Web site in the top sub-window.
Secure Specifies whether the cookie is secure.
Expiration Datethe expiration date of the cookie.
Modified DateThe last time that the cookie was modified by the Web site.
Created InSpecifies where the cookie was created:
  • Server: The cookie was sent to the client by the Web Server.
  • Client: The cookie was created in the client (Internet Explorer) by using JavaScript or VBScript.

When you click on a column header, the cookies list is sorted by the clicked column. A second click sorts the column in descending order.
Each line in the bottom sub-window contains an icon that indicates whether the cookie is expired or not. If a cookie is expired, a red icon will be displayed. otherwise, a green icon will be displayed. The expiration status is determined by comparing the expiration date of the cookie with the current local time of your computer. When a cookie is expired (red icon), the Web site cannot use it anymore, unless it sends a new cookie, with a new expiration date.

New selection method

Starting from version 1.40, there is a new method for selecting multiple items. Instead of highlighting the items with a blue color, you have to select the items by using the check-boxes near each item. When you select an item with the new method, the check-box near the item is filled with a blue "V" sign, and the item itself is painted with gray color.
There are 4 different ways to select items in the new method:
  1. Click on the check-box with the left mouse button.
  2. Double-click on the item with the left mouse button.
  3. Press on the spacebar key. (The highlighted item will be selected or deselected)
  4. Highlight one or more items (in blue color), and from the Edit menu, choose one of the following actions: "Select highlighted Items" or "Deselect highlighted Items".

The new selection method is applied for the following actions: Be Aware that currently you selections are cleared if you refresh the cookies list.

The menu bar

The following options are available in the menu bar:

Some menu commands can also be activated by using the toolbar, or by pressing the right combination of accelerator keys. For example: you can press the F5 key in order to refresh the top sub-window.
You can also use the pop-up menu, by right-clicking on the top sub-window.

Adding a cookies button into the toolbar of Internet Explorer

IECookiesView allows you to add a cookies button into the Internet Explorer toolbar. When you click the cookies button, the IECookiesView utility will be shown on the screen. You can add and remove the cookies button in the Internet Explorer toolbar, by using the "Installation Options" in the File menu.


The cookie properties window

When you want to focus on a specific cookie, you can double-click the desired cookie in the bottom sub-window and enter into the "Cookie Properties" window.
The "Cookie Properties" windows displays all information about the cookie, and 2 additional special fields:

Editing the content of a cookie

Starting from version 1.3, IECookies allows you to modify the content of a single cookie. You can change the key/value pair, the domain, the secure flag, and the expire/modified dates.
In order make a change in a cookie, follow the instructions below:
  1. Close All windows of Internet Explorer.
  2. In IECookiesView, press the F5 key to refresh the list of cookies files. This action will insure that you have the latest snapshot of cookies from the cookies index file (index.dat).
  3. In the top sub-window, highlight the cookies file that you want to modify.
  4. In the bottom sub-window, highlight the cookie that you want to modify.
  5. Select the "Edit The Cookie's Content" item from the Edit menu or from the pop-up menu of the bottom sub-window.
  6. In the editing dialog, change the values according to your needs, and press "Modify Cookie" button.
  7. You'll be asked if you want to modify the cookie. Choose 'Yes', and your changes will be saved to the cookies file.
  8. You can continue to modify other cookies as much as you need, but don't use the Internet Explorer browser until you finish the cookies modifications.

Marked cookies

Each time you run IECookiesView, the cookies that has been modified and accessed since the last run, are marked in yellow and green colors. The latest accessed cookies are marked with yellow color, and the latest modified/created cookies are marked with green color. You can clear all current marks by selecting the "Reset All Marks" item from the View menu. After you reset the marks, If cookies are modified or accessed again, they will be marked accordingly. If you want to totally stop the cookies marking, uncheck the "Mark Modified Cookies" and the "Mark Accessed Cookies" items in the View Menu.

Deleting and destroying cookies

IECookiesView provides 2 options to delete your cookies:
  1. Delete Selected Cookies Files: When you delete a cookie with this option, the cookie file is deleted, but a dead reference to this cookie is remained in the cookies index file. (index.dat)
  2. Destroy Selected Cookies Files: When you delete a cookie with this option:

In most cases, you should use the first option to the delete your cookies. However, if you want to completely remove all traces of your cookies, you should carefully use the second option (destroy cookies).
Before using the "destroy" option, you must close all windows of Internet Explorer, and refresh the cookies list (F5) in order to get the latest snapshot of the cookies in your system.

Command-Line Options

/mi If you run the IECookiesView utility while one instance of the utility is already running, the current instance of the utility will be shown, instead of creating a new instance of IECookiesView.
If you want to run more than one instance of IECookiesView at the same time, run the IECookiesView utility with "/mi" command-line parameter:
iecv.exe /mi
/dir:folder Starts IECookiesView utility with another cookies folder, instead of the default cookies folder.
For Example: iecv.exe /dir:d:\windows\cookies
In the above example, the IECookiesView utility will load the cookies from d:\windows\cookies instead of loading them from the default directory.
/nsl Starts IECookiesView without loading the settings from the previous time.

Versions History

1.40 12/01/2003
  • A new user interface for selecting cookies.
  • Destroying a cookie: allows you to delete the cookie including the reference in the cookies index file (index.dat).
  • A counter is shown on the status bar while loading the cookies.
  • Fixed problem: After finding a cookie, the focus is not lost.
1.30 30/10/2002
  • New column in the bottom sub-window: "Created In" - Tells you whether the cookie was created in the Web Server or in the client (Internet Explorer with JScript/VBScript).
  • Improvement in identification of advertising related cookies (Ad column).
  • New option: open the highlighted cookie file in Wordpad.
  • After a cookie deletion: the focus is returned to the right place.
  • Ability to change the cookie's content.
  • Fixed bug: In previous version, the 'Secure' field in the bottom sub-window displayed wrong values in some circumstances.
  • Each time you run IECookiesView, the cookies that has been modified and accessed since the last run, are marked in yellow and green colors.
  • Improvement in user interface (Especially in tab orders).
  • Improvement in domain parsing. (The domain column in the top sub-window)
  • Open cookies folder in Explorer.
  • Fixed Problem with the 'Tracks Eraser' utility: IECookies will allow you to view the cookies even if the index.dat file is corrupted.
  • Pop-up menu in the bottom sub-window.
1.20 05/08/2002
  • Pop-up menu in the top sub-window.
  • Automatically remember your last settings (windows size, split location, column settings, and more...)
  • New option: open the highlighted cookie file in Notepad.
  • Installation options in File menu.
  • Choose Columns option in View menu: allows you to select the columns that you want to see in the top sub-window. (Like in Explorer of Windows 2000/XP)
  • "Obsolete Cookie Files" in View menu: allows you to view the cookies that are not listed in index.dat
  • New column in the top sub-window: "Ad" column - Automatically identifies advertising related cookies.
  • New column in the top sub-window: "Domain" column - Shows the domain name of the cookies file.
1.10 26/06/2002
  • Windows 2000-style sort arrows in the columns headers.
  • New icons in the bottom window: expired cookies are shown with red icon.
  • Copy cookies information into the clipboard.
  • View Duplicate references in index.dat
  • Status column in the top sub-window.
  • Default button in "Select Cookies Folder" dialog-box.
  • Cookie property page.
  • Adding a cookies button into the toolbar of Internet Explorer
  • Open Internet Explorer window and connect the Web site of the highlighted cookie file.
  • A little improvement in performances of cookies loading.
  • /dir: command-line option: Run the IECookiesView utility with another cookies folder
  • /mi command-line option.
  • Some changes and fixed bugs in modified/accessed/created dates.
  • Fixed bug: In previous version, the default cookies directory for windows 95 was x:\windows\profiles\user-name\cookies instead of x:\windows\cookies.
  • Fixed bug: In previous version, if you switched to "Auto Refresh" mode, and than canceled it, by selecting it again from the menu, the window was continuing to automatically refresh the cookies list, even if the "Auto Refresh" in the menu was unchecked. This bug is fixed on version 1.10
  • Fixed bug: Error message when trying to load cookies from remote computer by using a UNC path (\\computer\folder)
1.00 06/06/2002 First Release


If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to