1 3.5 2 English (Plugin Template) 3 1 4 Alex Davidson 5 metapad@canada.com 6 - 7 - 8 All File Types|*.txt;*.htm;*.html;*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.java|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|HTML (*.html; *.htm)|*.html;*.htm|Source Code (*.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.java)|*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.java|All Files (*.*)|*.* 9 Save changes to %s? 10 Error writing to file - it may be locked or read only. 11 Search string not found. 12 Warning - you have chosen not to save AND to close metapad on external launch.\n\nThis could cause you to lose data! 13 (read only) 14 R&ead Only Ctrl+E 15 Error in favourites file. It may have been modified and is not synchronized. 16 Loading file... 17 This file is read only. You must save to a different file. 18 Printer not found!\n(Perhaps try reinstalling the printer.) 19 Error initializing printing. (CommDlgExtendedError: %#04x)" 20 Error aborting printing 21 StartDoc printing error. Printing canceled. 22 Error calling DrawText. 23 There was an error during printing. Print canceled. 24 Error launching primary external viewer 25 Error launching secondary external viewer 26 No primary external viewer configured. 27 No secondary external viewer configured. 28 No viewer associated with this file type. 29 Unknown error launching default viewer. 30 Missing window placement registry values - using default settings. 31 Some number of solitary carriage returns were detected and removed. 32 Lines ending in solitary carriage returns detected. (Possibly a Macintosh text file.) Converting to UNIX format. 33 "%s" not found. Create it? 34 File creation error. 35 File not found. 36 File is locked by another process. 37 Error converting from Unicode file 38 Detected non-ANSI characters in this Unicode file.\n\nData will be lost if this file is saved! 39 This file is not a valid text file. It may be a binary file.\nConvert any NULL terminators to spaces and load anyway? 40 Error converting to Unicode string 41 Error writing BOM 42 Applying new font settings. This action will empty the undo buffer. 43 Couldn't get TCHAR width! 44 Couldn't set para format. 45 Reached end of file. Continue searching from the top? 46 Reached beginning of file. Continue searching from the bottom? 47 &Recent 48 Recent &Files 49 Enter a maximum Recent File size between 0 and 16 50 Main window will now always start up with its current size and position. 51 This action will clear both the find and replace histories. 52 This action will clear the recent files history 53 Select a language plugin or choose Default (English). 55 Enter a margin width between 0 and 300 56 Enter a transparency mode percent between 1 and 99 57 Enter a tab size between 1 and 100 59 New File 60 Open File 61 Save File 62 Print 63 Find 64 Replace 65 Cut 66 Copy 67 Paste 68 Undo 69 Redo 70 Settings 71 Refresh/Revert 72 Word Wrap 73 Primary Font 74 Always On Top 75 Launch Primary Viewer 76 Launch Secondary Viewer 77 Cant undo this action! 78 Reached memory limit at %d bytes! 79 This version of Windows does not support loading files this large into an Edit window.\nLaunch in external viewer? 80 Reached memory limit!\nSave file now and use another editor (metapad full not LE)! 81 Updating hyperlinks. This action will empty the undo buffer. 82 Unable to change the readonly attribute for this file. 83 Settings 84 No selected text. 85 ...text is %d bytes long. 86 Replaced %d item(s). 87 &Language Plugin... 88 metapad requires RICHED20.DLL to be installed on your system.\n\nSee the FAQ on the website for further information. 89 Usage: metapad [/v | /s] [/p | /g row:col | /e] [filename]\n\nOption descriptions:\n\n /g row:col - goto position at row and column\n /e - goto end of file\n /p - print file\n /v - disable plugin version checking\n /s - skip loading language plugin 90 GlobalLock failed 91 There was an error unlocking the clipboard memory. 92 Can't open clipboard 93 Error reading file. 94 The change in "Hide scrollbars when possible" will be reflected upon restarting the program. 95 The change in "Disable Favourites" will be reflected upon restarting the program. 96 Language changes will be reflected upon restarting the program. 97 Error loading language plugin DLL. It is probably not a valid metapad language plugin. 98 Error fetching version string resource from plugin DLL. It is probably not a valid metapad language plugin. 99 This language plugin is for metapad version %s, but you are running metapad version %s. Check the metapad website for language plugin updates. 100 All Rights Reserved 101 OK 102 Text (*.*)|*.* 103 new file 104 Selection is larger than maximum quick buffer length.