NTSend version 1.3.3, Saturday, 11th October 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NTSend uses the Windows NT 4.0 Messenger service to send popup messages to other Windows NT machines (and Windows 95 running WinPopup). It can send messages to - o The current NT domain. o Users logged in to the domain. o PCs in the domain. o NT Global groups. o Ad-hoc groups of the above. o Custom lists of the above. It can maintain a 'Favourites list' and can also maintain custom lists of recipients. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ NTSend will run correctly in Windows NT 4.0. (Barring bugs) It won't even load in Windows 95/98 :-) ================================================================= Update: According to a number of reports, it runs fine in Win2k and WinXP. ================================================================= NTSend requires no special installation being only one executable file and one help file. Put these two files into a directory ... e.g. c:\program files\ntsend - or even on a shared network area and create a menu item or desktop shortcut to point to the EXE file. Note: The help file should be in the same directory as the executable. The help file is invoked the first time the program is run just to get you started. Un-install ~~~~~~~~~~ NTSend stores some settings in the registry, so prior to removal of the program, you should run it one last time thus ... NTSend /clear This will remove all NTSend registry entries from the current user's registry area. (The registry entries will cause no problems anyway, if left in place.) Finally, simply delete the executable NTSend.exe and the help file NTSend.hlp. Support ~~~~~~~ All comments, criticisms, suggestions and praise are welcome. You can email me at jkelly@ntsend.freeserve.co.uk but I can't guarantee a response or a fix since this program is strictly a spare time project. If you want the Delphi source code then you should be able to download it from the website - http://www.ntsend.freeserve.co.uk/downloads/ntsendsrc.zip and the binary files - http://www.ntsend.freeserve.co.uk/downloads/ntsendbin.zip Amendments ~~~~~~~~~~ 26th August, 2001 Set the size of some components during form creation as they were not being scaled correctly when large fonts were selected. The bug was reported by Eddie Lopez, Cuba. Went up to version 1.3, since this is what it is advertised as on the download sites. Over 1800 downloads so far. 29th Dec, 2001 Junior Gamez Aguilera supplied an amendment to implement a tray icon. I adapted his code to suit my preferences by adding a setting to allow minimizing to a tray icon. Went to version 1.3.1. 1st Jan, 2002 (Get a life eh?) Fixed a couple of bugs. The helpfile location was hard coded (?). Tidied up the parameter handling a little. 5th Jan, 2002 Simplified the 'Minimize to tray' option so that it no longer hides the taskbar button while the application is active and visible. Now the taskbar button is only hidden and the tray icon made visible when the application is minimised. The taskbar button being hidden made switching between windows less convenient. 13th April, 2002 Got a bug report from Ralph Vloemans that an incomplete list of network items is produced when run on a PDC. Found the problem in the LanManager call NetGetAnyDCName. It returns an error when you are on the PDC. This meant that users and groups didn't show on the list since these are usually read from the Domain Controller which is blank on a PDC (?). Now it uses 'nil' as the machine parameter when getting users and groups if the DomainCtrl is set to ''. Changed a 'classic' error message, a dialog box which said 'Help File not found'. It had an Ok button and a HELP button. (?) 13th April, 2002 Version 1.3.2 NTSend is now compiled in Delphi 6 Personal edition which is available free from Borland. Way to go Borland... If you are still using version 5 and it won't compile, try setting the Local Symbols checkbox in the compiler options. Don't know why, but in 5 this setting caused me problems. 18th April, 2002 Moved the Settings menu contents into the Options dialog. This is more accessible because of the new Options toolbar button. Added a Server query timeout value. This hopefully, will cut short any long waits for servers to respond. (Any servers that don't respond correctly, can of course, be excluded from the list by un-checking them in the servers tab.) Updated the Help file with pictures of the new menu layout and the new Options dialog. 11th October, 2002 Version 1.3.3 Changed NetServerEnum API calls to NetServerEnumEx to avoid a known bug with the previous call. (resume handle doesn't work so a continuous loop can be caused where there are a lot of servers.) This loop condition was brought to my attention by Michael Boley. Thanks Michael. Added another option to clear the message text after sending. * Set the signature on program start to be the last previously used. * Improved the List Editor form * Added Export / Import Lists options to the main NTSend menu. * Updated the help file. * Features suggested by Junior Gamez Aguilera. Added some conditional DEBUG code. Just define DEBUG in the Project/Options/Directories/Conditionals/Conditional defines. This will append to a log in c:\temp\ntsend.log Moved up to version 1.3.3. Credits ~~~~~~~ John Kelly Author Junior Gamez Aguilera Tray Icon code and some interface design suggestions Colin Henderson Testing and some interface design suggestions Michael Boley Testing bunch of good guys Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Kelly Stirling UK jkelly@ntsend.freeserve.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This program was written on Delphi 6, running in a VMWare session on a Mandrake Linux 8.1 (kernel 2.4.8) intel PC 11th October, 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~