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end object Help1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' HelpContext = 230 object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Info' OnClick = About1Click end end end object ThumbPreview1: TThumbPreview AutoLoad = True Title = 'imagoWEB Preview' DataFileName = 'thumbs.dat' DataFileDir = 'C:\PROGRAMMI\BORLAND\DELPHI 2.0\BIN\' PreviewsDir = 'C:\PROGRAMMI\BORLAND\DELPHI 2.0\BIN\' Left = 221 Top = 55 end object PrintDialog1: TPrintDialog Left = 248 Top = 16 end object Printsetup: TPrinterSetupDialog Left = 280 Top = 16 end object Edge1: TEdge sMultiImage = Immagine FXMethod = FXDiagonal Left = 184 Top = 56 end object MultiLang1: TMultiLang DefaultLanguage = 1 DefaultEnabled = True Languages = 2 Words.Strings = ( '%Form%' 'imagoWEB' 'imagoWEB' 'Panel1' '' '' 'SpeedButton1' '' '' '".Hint' 'Open file' 'Apri File' 'SpeedButton2' '' '' '".Hint' 'Save file' 'Salva File' 'SpeedButton3' '' '' '".Hint' 'Delete file' 'Elimina File' 'SpeedButton4' '' '' '".Hint' 'Copy file' 'Copia File' 'SpeedButton5' '' '' '".Hint' 'Paste file' 'Incolla File' 'SpeedButton6' '' '' '".Hint' 'Browse directory'#13#10'and HTML table' 'Browse...' 'SpeedButton7' '' '' '".Hint' 'Acquire with scanner' 'Scansiona' 'SpeedButton8' '' '' '".Hint' 'imagoWEB File wizard' 'imagoWEB File wizard' 'SpeedButton9' '' '' '".Hint' 'Print file' 'Stampa File' 'SpeedButton11' '' '' '".Hint' 'Exit' 'Esci' 'SpeedButton12' '' '' '".Hint' 'Show/Hide File List' 'Visualizza/Nascondi lista file' 'SpeedButton13' '' '' '".Hint' 'Slide show' 'Slide show' 'SpeedButton10' '' '' '".Hint' 'Info' 'Informazioni' 'Panel2' '' '' 'Immagine' '' '' 'Saved' 'Jpeg|*.jpg|Bmp|*.bmp|Gif|*.gif|Tiff|*.tif|Pcx|*.pcx|Png|*.png' 'Jpeg|*.jpg|Bmp|*.bmp|Gif|*.gif|Tiff|*.tif|Pcx|*.pcx|Png|*.png' '"' '' '' 'OpenDialog1' 'all images|*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.pcx;*.wmf;*.ico;*.png;*.tif|bitma' + 'p|*.bmp|gif|*.gif|jpg|*.jpg|png|*.png|metafile|*.wmf|icon|*.ico|' + 'tif|*.tif|pcx|*.pcx' 'tutte le immagini|*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.pcx;*.wmf;*.ico;*.png;*.ti' + 'f|bitmap|*.bmp|gif|*.gif|jpg|*.jpg|png|*.png|metafile|*.wmf|icon' + '|*.ico|tif|*.tif|pcx|*.pcx' '"' '' '' 'File1' 'File' '&File' 'Edit1' 'Edit' 'Modifica' 'Copy1' '&Copy' '&Copia' 'Paste1' '&Paste' '&Incolla' 'Elimina1' 'Delete file' 'Elimina file' 'Infofile1' 'Info file' 'Informazioni file' 'Esci1' 'Conversion' 'Conversione' 'Selectall1' 'Set Wallpaper' 'Sfondo Window' 'Tile1' 'Make' 'Crea' 'None1' 'None' 'Nessuno' 'Preferences2' 'Preferences' 'Preferenze' 'iMAGE1' 'Image' 'Immagine' 'Colors1' 'Colors' 'Colori' 'N4bit1' 'Black and White (1 bit)' 'Bianco e nero (1 bit)' 'N8bit1' 'Grayscale (8 bit)' 'Scale di grigio (8 bit)' 'N24bit1' 'Paletted (8 bit)' '256 colori(8 bit)' 'RGBcolor24bit1' 'RGB color (24 bit)' 'Colore RGB (24 bit)' 'Invert1' 'Invert' 'Inverti' 'Mirror1' 'Mirror' 'Specchio' 'O1' 'Horizontal' 'Orizzontale' 'Vertical1' 'Vertical' 'Verticale' 'GrayScale1' 'Gray Scale' 'Scala grigio' 'Autocontrast1' 'Auto contrast' 'Auto contrasto' 'Crop1' 'Crop' 'Ritaglia immagine' 'Rotate1' 'Rotate' 'Ruota' 'N90Clockwise1' '90� Clockwise' '90� senso orario' 'N90Counterclockwise1' '90� Counterclockwise' '90� senso anti-orario' 'N1801' '180�' '180�' 'Custom1' 'Custom' 'Variabile' 'Resize1' 'Resize' 'Cambia dimensioni' 'N2' '-' '-' 'Addborder1' 'Slide Show' 'Diapositive' 'Effect1' 'Effect' 'Effetti' 'Undoeffect1' 'Undo effect' 'Annulla effetto' 'Maketileimage1' 'Make tile image' 'Crea immagine ripetuta' 'Tile2' 'Tile' 'Ripeti immagine' 'Effectsmanager1' 'Effects manager' 'Manager effetti' 'Help1' '&Help' '&Help' 'About1' '&Info' '&Informazioni' 'Screencapture1' 'Screen capture' 'Screen capture' 'Open1' 'Open' 'Apri' 'Saveas1' 'Save as' 'Salva con nome' 'Print1' 'Print' 'Stampa' 'Printsetup1' 'Print setup' 'Setup stampante' 'Quit1' 'Quit' 'Uscita' 'Aquirewithscanner1' 'Aquire with scanner' 'Scansiona' 'Browse1' 'Browse directory' 'Sfoglia directory') Left = 180 Top = 122 end object LMDOneInstance1: TLMDOneInstance Mode = oiDefaultMessage Left = 308 Top = 90 end object about: TLMDAboutDlg Appname = 'imagoWEB' CaptionFill = True CaptionTitle = 'Info' Copyright = '1998 by Fabrizio Pignotti, Italy'#13#10#13#10'Visit our website to get lat' + 'est info about imagoWEB.' Effect = deExplodeExt ImageIndex = 1 ListIndex = 1 IconStyle = isStandard Jump = 'http://fabrizio.jth.it/'#13#10 Version = 'Version 1.1 (32 bit - Windows 95 / 98 / NT4) - Freeware' Left = 244 Top = 90 end object ini: TLMDIniCtrl IniFile = '.INI' RegPath = 'Software\imagoWEB' RegRoot = rpLocalMachine Target = itRegistry Left = 180 Top = 90 end object LMDForm1: TLMDForm AcceptFiles = True Effect = deExplodeExt IniLink = ini IniUse = ioUseGlobal IniKey = 'MainForm' Options = [foAutoShow, foTryAdaptRes] OnFMDragDrop = LMDForm1FMDragDrop Left = 276 Top = 90 end object Timer1: TTimer Enabled = False OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 308 Top = 18 end object screenc: TLMDScreenCanvas SaveBackground = True Left = 212 Top = 90 end object LMDShapeHint1: TLMDShapeHint Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clInfoText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Left = 92 Top = 26 end object LMDFormStyler1: TLMDFormStyler Colors = 236 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsItalic] Options = [fsAdjustRect, fsUseFontColor, fsInactiveGradient, fsUseFormCaption] Left = 92 Top = 82 end end