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11.1. Piste Gamez homepage

Piste Gamez web site:

Please come and visit us. From our site you can find more freeware games (from our DOS-age, when Piste Gamez was called Deep Connection). Also check the site for the latest versions of Q-Lat2 and other games published by Piste Gamez.

More games by Piste Gamez:

- Q-Lat made by Janne Kivilahti
- Pekka Kana made by Antti Suuronen
- Beez made by Janne Kivilahti

11.2. What's new in version 2.1?

- Bug at the intro screen fixed (intro looked weird on some computers)
- Bug that sometimes caused balls to stuck to each other fixed
- A better (?) in-game quick help (menu is replaced with a help screen)
- More pictures in the manual (because ppl don't seem to read any instructions)
- Easier Rookie-level (not so many metal balls)
- A new Q-Lat2 logo :)

11.3. Contact Information

If you have any questions, suggestions (about the GAME), or you just want to tell me how much you love me (yeah right...) email me at:

*I'm not going to give you my home address or phone number you perverts ;)*


11.4. Q-Lat2 Soundtrack CD

Enjoyed the soundtrack? There is a Q-Lat2 Soundtrack CD available at http://mp3.com/unikone

The CD has 9 songs:

1. Duck n' Play (remix 2)
2. Game Over
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Play Ball
5. Freeze
6. Supper Funk Hiway
7. 10 Steps
8. Boolean
9. Duck n' Play (remix 3)

The soundtrack CD features all the songs used in the game, 2 remixes of tune "Duck n' Play", and four songs that were not included in the game. The four songs (Freeze, Supper Funk Hiway, 10 Steps, and Boolean) were dropped out from the final version because of their huge size. The size of the package would have doubled, if I had included them. But here's your chance to hear them all :) You can also download the first 4 songs in MP3-format for free.

11.5. Greets

SeVeN / Piste Gamez / synergia,
Timo / Piste Gamez (?),
Other members of synergia (Mystery, terab6, Oswald q_tek), Teppo, Kari (reluctant game testers),
AndrĪ˜ LaMothe (for writing the book Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus),


11.6. Q-Lat2 Trivia

* Q-Lat2 was created using these programs:
- MS Visual C++ 6.0 (Standard Edition) - programing
- Deluxe Paint 2 - graphics
- Paint Shop Pro 3.11 - graphics
- Photo Shop 4.0 - graphics
- Fast Tracker 2 - music
- Orangator 2 - sound effects
- Word Pad - manual (plain text-version)
- Midas Sound System - source code for the music playing system
- Dreamweaver 3.0 - manual (HTML-version)

* It took 3 months to make Q-Lat2 (my whole summer vacation)!

* Q-Lat2 uses 256-color palette. There are usually about 170 colors on screen simultaneously. Count 'em!

* At best speed over 80 frames per second!

* Maximum of 35 balls simultaneously on screen.

Why are you still reading? Why aren't playing already?

Oh well, since you read this far, I might as well tell you a little secret: Press SPACE during the game to see something interesting. It is a totally trivial function, but fun :)