///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR 2xExplorer The steps needed to install 2xExplorer on any computer are nearly trivial. Just use Windows Explorer (or any similar application) to create the folder that 2xExplorer will reside (e.g. "C:\Program Files\2xExplorer") and copy the executable file together with all the accompanying text files in the newly created directory. You can add a shortcut for the application and keep it on the desktop for easy access to 2xExplorer. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Windows 95 2xExplorer will run on ALL Win32 platforms, including WinNT/2000. (the program has been tested OK for NT4/SP4 and above) Below is a list of the files you should find in the 2xExplorer archive (typically .zip file, if you have downloaded it): NAME DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2xExplorer.exe The application itself 2xExplorer.rtf The brief "help" file explaining the main features of 2xExplorer. It should be kept in the same folder as the executable file. Licence.txt Please read carefully before installing 2xExplorer Install.txt This file Keyboard.txt Keyboard assignments for advanced user commands FAQ.txt Frequently Asked Questions that may help your query Newest.txt Description of the latest version release registry.txt Registry settings for "advanced" tweaking ReleaseNotes.zip Packed text files containing older release notes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UN-INSTALLING 2xExplorer The uninstall procedure is as straightforward as the installation. 2xExplorer does not copy any files in any system directory, so in order to remove it you just have to delete the folder that you have placed it into. Advanced tweakers may also wish to remove the info 2xExplorer places in the registry: simply search within the RegEdit for "2xExplorer" and delete the respective key; that's the only spot used by the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ e-mail: n.bozinis@ic.ac.uk WWW: http://personal-pages.ps.ic.ac.uk/~umeca74/ Last updated: 18 April 2001