Bombahman Copyright (c) 2001 Version (see History.txt) Michaël Schoonbrood TheOneAndOnly@MadButch.Com The Butchers Home *** IMPORTANT *** DirectX 8 or newer is required!!!!! - Release Notes - This is a release of my game Bombahman. Check the History.txt for more revision information. - Default Player1 Keys (can be redefined) - LEFT = Move player left RIGHT = Move player right UP = Move player up DOWN = Move player down SPACE = Drop a bomb ENTER = Special Action - Default Player2 Keys (can be redefined) - A = Move player left D = Move player right W = Move player up S = Move player down F = Drop a bomb G = Special Action - Special keys - ESC = Quit F1 = Toggle Pause on/off F2 = Toggle FPS (Frames Per Second) timer on/off (Default = off) F3 = Toggle VSync on/off (Default = on ) F5 = Options (see end of this file) F7 = Toggle Ping on/off (In-Game Network mode only) F8 = Start a network game (Main Menu only) F8 = Send a chat message (In-Game Network mode only) F9 = Enter Editor (Main Menu only) F10 = Quit to desktop. - Known Issues! - Problem: If you hold down to many keys on the keyboard at once, the keyboard won't recognize a new keypress. This is a hardware problem, try it out in notepad... same problem! Solution: Only use 1 player on the keyboard! Use a Joystick for the other player. - Credits - Mad Butch : Coding, Graphics, Sound FX, Level design, Testing - TheOneAndOnly@MadButch.Com Domino : Sound FX, Music - ChRoNiX : Graphics - Lextendo : Testing, Level design - - Author Information - It's been a dream of mine, since my childhood, to develop a game someday. That day has hapily passed along, as here is my second game! Whether you like or dislike it, please DO mail me your comments on the game. The game is freeware. The only thing I want to gain from it, is that it gives you a nice feeling playing it. So please take a minute of your time, to give me your feedback on it! - Game Information - Bombahman is a bomberman clone (no!!!! realy???) Gameplay is simple... drop bombs close to walls to blow them up. Sometimes they will reveal a power up icon, which you should pick up! Ultimate goal is to be the last man standing, so either try to blow up your adversaries, or just chill out and wait till they all blow each other up! Options: - Music Volume 0 is off and 100 is loudest (Default 100). - SoundFX Volume 0 is off and 100 is loudest (Default 100). - Show FPS counter (Show the Frames Per Second counter on screen. On (show FPS counter) and off (Default Off). - VSync On (Enable VSync) and off (Default On). Some features (might still come): - Direct 3D mode with real 3D models. - Extra ordinary graphically special effects! (I wish again :) - Lot's more!!!!!!