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Partial View

In partial view, only the angle brackets and slashes of the tags are displayed but not the contents.

When clicking inside an empty tag, the content becomes visible, e. g. <hr| /> .

When clicking inside an opening tag, the content becomes visible, e. g. <tt|> , and the contents of the paired closing tag, e. g. </tt>. You can overwrite the contents.

When clicking inside a closing tag, the content becomes visible, e. g. </tt|> , and the contents of the paired opening tag, e. g. <tt> .

When clicking inside a comment, the content becomes visible, e. g. <!--Comment aside|--> .

You can change the contents

The innovative aspect is that there appears no modal dialog window.

Partial View
Menu View — <>Text</>

The menu entry has got a hook.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001