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Displaying Graphics

For processing graphics, we take a graphics program, not an HTML editor. But for the overview, it's helpful if the referenced graphics are made visible casually.

MTE can display GIF graphics.

Graphics on
Menu View — Show Images

The menu entry has got a hook.

Graphics off
Menu View — Show Images

The menu entry has no hook.

Technically, an image is like a letter. The text window can scroll only by whole lines. If an image is higher than the whole text area, the lower border would stay unreachable forever.

To avoid this, the scroll bar changes such that the image can scroll smoothly.

broken imageIf an image source file could'nt be found, there appears the symbol "broken image".

See also: Extended Graphics Formats.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001