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Table Area

Menu Edit — Add Tag — Table — <table>

To modify the table, put the cursor inside the opening table tag: <table|>

Background image
content menu background (graphic) — [fileChoice]

The file dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a file.

Background Color
context menu bgcolor (background color) — [colorChoice]

The color choice dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a color.

Besides, 16 named base colors are available.

context menu border — 1

The border size is preselected. You can overwrite it.

Horizontal Spacing
context menu hspace (horizontaler Abstand) — 5

The spacing is preselected: hspace="5". You can overwrite it.

Vertical spacing
context menu vspace (vertical spacing) — 5

The spacing is preselected: vspace="5". You can overwrite it.

Cell Padding
context menu cellpadding — 5

The padding is preselected: cellpadding="5". You can overwrite it.

Cell Spacing
context menu cellspacing (Zellabstand außen) — 5

The Spacing is preselected: cellspacing="5". You can overwrite it.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001