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Menu Edit — Add Tag — Graphics — <img> (image)

To modify the image, put the cursor inside the tag: <img| />.

Source File
context menu src (source) — [fileChoice]

The file dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a file.

Alternative Text
context menu alt (alternative text) — Beschreibung

The alternative text is preselected: alt="Beschreibung". You can overwrite it.

context menu border — 1

The border size is preselected. You can overwrite it.

context menu align — left
context menu align — right
context menu align — top
context menu align — middle
context menu align — bottom
Horizontal Spacing
context menu hspace (horizontaler Abstand) — 5

The spacing is preselected: hspace="5". You can overwrite it.

Vertical spacing
context menu vspace (vertical spacing) — 5

The spacing is preselected: vspace="5". You can overwrite it.

Referencing an Image Map
KontextMenu usemap (used image map) — #id

The ID is preselected usemap="#id". You can overwrite it, e. g. #Gruebchen

Area for Hyper Maps
Menu Edit — Add Tag — Graphics — <map>

To modify the tag, put the cursor inside the opening tag: <map| />.

context menu id — (identifier).

The ID is preselected: id="(identifier)". You can ovewrite it, e. g. Gruebchen.

Hyper Map
Put the cursor inside the map area: <map id="Gruebchen">|</map>

Menu Edit — Add Tag — Graphics — <area>

To modify the tag, put the cursor inside the tag: <area| />.

context menu shape — rect
context menu coords (coordinates) — x,y,...

The coordinates are preselected: coords="x,y,...". You can overwrite them, e. g. 10, 10, 30, 30.

Hyperlink Reference
context menu href (hyperlink reference) — [fileChoice]

The File Choice Dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a file.

context menu target (frame in framesets) — _self.

The target is preselected: target="_self". You can overwrite it.

These targets are available by choice: _self, _top, _parent.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001