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CSS Assignment

The sections <div> and <span> are intended for CSS formatting in the case when there is no other tag is available.

You have the choice between a defined CSS class (recommended) or a fixed CSS assignment.

Put the cursor inside of an opening tag, e. g. <div|>

CSS Class
context menu class — classname

The class name is preselected, e. g. <div class="(classname)">.

Overwrite the class name.

CSS style

Please care about that not every browser supports every assignment!

Put the cursor inside of an opening tag, e. g. <div|>

Background Image
context menu style — background — background-image — url([fileChoice])

The file selection dialog of the operating system appears. Select a file.

Scroll Behavior of Background Image
context menu style — background — background-attachment — scroll

You've got the choice between scroll (image scrolling with text) and fixed (image remains still when text scrolls).

Repeat of Background Image
context menu style — background — background-repeat — no-repeat

You've got the choice between no-repeat, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y.

Placement of Background Image
context menu style — background — background-position — top

You've got the choice between top, center (horizontally), middle (vertikally), bottom, left, right.

context menu style — color — color — [colorChoice]

The color choice dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a color.

Besides, 16 named base colors are available.

Background Color
context menu style — color — background-color — [colorChoice]

The color choice dialog of the operating system appears. Choose a color.

Besides, 16 named base colors are available.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001