Quick Tutorial - The finishing touch

Adding margins

  1. To make your page look just a little more professional, bring up the Stylesheet Assistant by pressing ctrl + F8. One warning, you need to have Netscape 4 or MSIE 3, otherwise it won't work.

  2. Click right on the Insert Tag button and choose body from the menu that drops down. Confirm your choice by clicking the button left. The body tag is now listed.

  3. Set the left and right margins to say 8%. Press tab each time you want to see your changes updated in the list. Press OK when you're finished.

  4. Between the head tags is now a stylesheet section inserted. View your results in a browser of your choice.

Meta information for search engines

  1. After you published your first page, you want people to visit. Search engines are an important tool to help visitors find your page. Some of these search engines look for meta information in your document. I recommend you supply this information, it really makes a difference in getting more audience.

  2. Personally I place the meta information between the head tags, as this is the most appropriate place for it. Perhaps other places will work too but I'm quite sure that this kind of information does not belong in the body of the document. Let's start with the description tag that's available under the Tags menu as Comments| Description. This will insert the following tag:

    <META name="description" content="">

    Write a short description between the quotes after the content attribute. Search engines that read meta information will supply this description when your page turns up at a search.

    <META name="description" content="Anansi, the freeware project oriented HTML-editor for Windows 3.11 and 95">

  3. To increase your hit results you can add additional keywords for your document. Don't repeat words that are already in the description, you won't get points for that. Under the Tags menu get Comments| Keywords:

    <META name="keywords" content="">

    As with the description, add your text after the content attribute between the quotes.

    <META name="keywords" content="website design maintenance ftp upload">

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