DORLING KINDERSLEY MULTIMEDIA PRODUCT SAMPLER DISC Read Me 29/8/94 This Sampler Disc has been created using the Macromedia Director (TM) Player for Windows, and this in turn relies on Apple Computer's QuickTime(TM) for Windows to deliver the video parts of the sampler product. The following is technical support information supplied by Apple Computer that may offer assistance should you encounter problems in running the video sequences built into this sampler product. APPLE COMPUTER'S QUICKTIME FOR WINDOWS - Technical requirements and support documentation: MINIMUM PC CONFIGURATION TO RUN QUICKTIME FOR WINDOWS: 386SX at 20 Mhz 4 Mb RAM 80 Mb hard disk VGA or better display card QuickTime provides best quality and performance on cards displaying 32,768 color or more. See the end of this document for a list of tested compatible audio and video cards. Sound card for playback of Movies with sound Windows 3.1 or later DOS 5.0. DOS 6.0 is supported. PC AUDIO CARD COMPATIBILITY The following chart summarizes the audio hardware products that were tested with QuickTime for Windows 1.1. Most compatibility issues are based on driver versions. With some boards, more than one driver was tested. In most cases, the latest available driver was tested. THE DRIVER TESTED MAY NOT BE THE SAME VERSION AS THAT WHICH CAME WITH THE AUDIO CARD. Contact the vendor for the latest driver version. Known bugs are included. The information is provided in the following format and is delimited by tabs: Manufacturer Model Bit Depth Stereo Driver Version Problems Creative Labs SoundBlaster Pro 8 yes SBPSND.DRV 5/15/92 11:12 This driver has a known problem that affects both QuickTime for Windows and Microsoft Video for Windows. When sound samples less than 2k are played, the card may play 1/4 second of sound repeatedly for about 5 seconds. This can be triggered by any QuickTime movie, or simulated by clicking to and from two playing Movies in the Movie Player. Creative Labs SoundBlaster Pro 8 yes SBPSND.DRV 2/5/93 Audio sticks because of a driver problem. Creative Labs SoundBlaster Pro/16 16 yes SB16SND.DRV 12/11/92 11:08 Creative Labs Sound Blaster 2.0 2/16/93 Audio sticks because of a driver problem. Problems with sound in loop appears only in the driver which currently ships with the board. Previous and subsequent driver releases do not exhibit the problem. Creative Labs ThunderBoard 8 no SNDBLST2.DRV 3/10/92 3.1 Creative Labs ThunderBoard 8 no SNDBLST2.DRV 5/13/92 MediaVision ProAudio Spectrum 8 yes MVPROAUD.DRV 2/3/93 1.3 Earlier versions of this driver cause sound to be repeated at random. MediaVision ProAudio Spectrum Plus 16 yes MVPROAUD.DRV 2/3/93 1.3 Make the following modifications to the QTW.INI file. See the end of this document for instructions: [Sound] RequestedRate=22095 ActualRate=22536 MediaVision ProAudio Spectrum Plus 16 yes MVPROAUD.DRV 5/15/92 MediaVision ProAudio Spectrum 16 16 yes MVPROAUD.DRV 2/3/93 1.3 MediaVision Thunder and Lightning 8 Stereo 22 Mono 44 TLWAVE.DRV 8/25/92 Make the following modifications to the QTW.INI file. See the end of this document for instructions: [Sound] RequestedRate=22222 MediaVision AudioPort 8 no MVAPORT 4/14/92 15:10 Does not support sound sampled a t above 11Kz. Make the following modifications to the QTW.INI file. See the end of this document for instructions: [Sound} RequestedRate = 11025 ActualRate=11025 MediaVision CDPC Microsoft Microsoft Sound System 16 yes SNDSYS.DRV 9/21/92 1.0 Cardinal Technologies Sound Studio, Sound Vision 16 yes TAPIGSS1.DRV 12/28/92 Orchid Sound Producer Pro 8 yes PRODUCER.DRV 1/13/93 Orchid Sound Producer Pro 8 yes PRODUCER.DRV 10/1/92 Turtle Beach. MultiSound 16 yes MULTISND.DRV 8/27/92 1.1 ATI Stereo F/X. 8 yes SFX.DRV 5/4/92 IBM M/Audio 16 yes ACPA.DRV 10/29/92 11:38 Adjusting the volume from the Movie Controller may cause the volume to be muted. To restore the volume, stop and restart the movie. Sound may skip when resizing window. Sound is played at 44khz by doubling the samples. IBM M/Audio 16 yes ACPA.DRV 8/28/92 Limited volume control from keyboard. NOTE: The AdLib Gold Card audio system is not supported in QuickTime for Windows 1.1. PC VIDEO CARD COMPATIBILITY The following chart summarizes the video display cards that were tested with QuickTime for Windows 1.1. Most compatibility issues are based on driver versions. With some boards, more than 1 driver was tested. In most cases the latest available driver was tested. THE DRIVER TESTED OR SUPPORTED MAY NOT BE THE SAME VERSION AS THAT WHICH CAME WITH THE VIDEO CARD. Contact the vendor for the latest driver version. Known bugs are included. For Pixel Depth : 8 bits = 256 colors, 15 bits = 32,768, 16 bits = 65, 536 and 24 bits is 16 million colors. If your video card is not listed below and you are having SEVERE compatibility problems, you may consider modifying the QTW.INI file. Change the [Video] setting to Optimize = Driver. This may resolve severe compatibility problems with a specific video card but will also reduce the performance of Movie playback. See MODIFYING QTW.INI FOR COMPATIBILITY. The information is provided in the following format and is delimited by tabs: Adapter Video Chip Driver Driver Version Pixel Depth Resolution Optimized? Problems Standard VGA Windows EGA Win 3.1 4 640 x 350 No Compatability tests only have been performed. That is, we ensure we dont GP fault. Otherwise, EGA playback is not supported, primarily because its pixels are not square, and QuickTime for Windows does not compensate for this. Standard VGA Windows VGA Win 3.1 4 640 x 480 No IBM 8514\a Windows 3/10/92 3.1 8 1024 x 768 No We do not optimize any devices that use an 8514 co-processor. They do NOT allow direct pixel writes. IBM XGA OEM 7/27/92 2.01 8 640x480 Yes Only XGA20 supports 16-bit color. Do NOT use the drivers supplied with Windows 3.1. Instead, use the drivers supplied by IBM. IBM XGA OEM 7/27/92 2.01 16 1024x768 Yes (see above) IBM XGA2 OEM 7/27/92 8 640x480 IBM XGA2 OEM 7/27/92 16 640x480 IBM XGA2 OEM 7/27/92 8 800x600 IBM XGA2 OEM 7/27/92 16 800x600 ATI VGA XL 68800 Windows 4/9/92 4 800 x 600 Yes ATI VGA XL 68800 OEM 4/10/92 8 1024 x 768 Yes ATI VGA XL 68800 OEM 4/20/92 16 800 x 600 Yes (see above) ATI VGA XL 68800 OEM 8/14/92 1.42 16 640x480 No ATI Graphics/Pro 68800 OEM 11/27/92 8 1024x768 No We do not optimize any devices that use an 8514 co-processor. They do NOT allow direct pixel writes. ATI Graphics/Pro 68800 OEM 11/27/92 16 640x480 No (see above) ATI Mach 32 68800 OEM 1/5/93 (BLD #59) 8 640x480 Yes ATI Mach 32 68800 OEM 1/5/93 (BLD #59) 16 1024x768 Yes (see above) Orchid IIs Western Digital OEM 3/1/92 3.1 8 800 x 600 Yes This card (and other ET4000-based cards) has consistently proved very reliable. Orchid IIs Western Digital OEM 3/1/92 3.1 16 800 x 600 Yes (see above) Orchid Fahrenheit VA S3 OEM 2/19/93 10:00 8 640x480 Yes Orchid Fahrenheit VA S3 OEM 2/19/93 10:00 16 1024x768 Yes Earlier versions of this driver will lock the system when a copy to the clipboard is attempted from the Movie Player or Picture Viewer in 800x600x16 mode. Orchid Fahrenheit VA S3 OEM 2/19/93 10:00 24 640x480 Yes Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 8 640x480 Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 15 640x480 Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 16 640x480 Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 24 640x480 Movies shifted to the left. Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 8 800x600 Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 15 800x600 Orchird VLB (Local Bus) OEM 2/19/93 16 800x600 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 8 640x480 Yes Color changes when running movies. Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 16 800x600 Yes Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 15 640x480 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 16 640x480 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 8 800x600 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 OEM 8/10/92 10:00 15 800x600 Orchid Pro designer IIs/D 1.1 4/7/92 8 640x480 Orchid Pro designer IIs/D 1.1 4/7/92 8 800x600 Orchid Pro designer IIs/D 1.1 4/7/92 15 800x600 Orchid Pro II OEM 3/1/92 8 640x480 Orchid Pro II OEM 3/1/92 15 640x480 Orchid Pro II OEM 3/1/92 8 800x600 Video 7 OEM 3/10/92 3.1 8 800 x 600 Yes Diamond Stealth S3 OEM 9/25/92 8 640x480 Yes Diamond Stealth S3 OEM 9/25/92 16 640x480 Yes Diamond SpeedStar 24 OEM 4/14/92 24 640x480 Yes This card, and other ET4000-based cards have consistently proved very reliable. Diamond SpeedStar 24 S3 OEM 4/14/92 8 640x480 ?? Diamond SpeedStar 24 S3 OEM 4/14/92 15 640x480 Diamond SpeedStar 24 S3 OEM 4/14/92 8 800x600 Diamond SpeedStar 24 S3 OEM 4/14/92 15 800x600 Diamond SpeedStar 24x Western Digital OEM 4/28/92 12:08 8 1024x768 Yes Diamond SpeedStar 24x Western Digital OEM 4/28/92 12:08 16 800x600 Yes Diamond SpeedStar 24x Western Digital OEM 4/28/92 12:08 24 640x480 Yes S3 Linear Address S3 OEM n/a 8 1024x768 Yes No Windows drivers are available as of April 93 that used the S3 805 in linear address mode. We do optimize, however, for the current drivers that use banked mode. S3 Linear Address S3 OEM n/a 16 800x600 Yes (see above) S3 Linear Address S3 OEM n/a 24 640x480 Yes (see above) Matrox 1024 OEM 8/21/92 2.07 24 1024 x 768 No Due to various problems, the following video card configurations are not currently supported by QuickTime for Windows: Compaq Q-Vision Paradise VGA 1024 in 640 x 480 at 256 colors using MMWD480.DRV (dated 9/10/91) QuickTime locks up before the movie starts. Contact Western Digital/Paradise at 1-800-832-4778 for support MODIFYING QTW.INI FOR COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Modification of the QTW.INI file should be done at your own risk. Typically one does not need to make any modifications to this file. For some compatibility issues, modifying the file will make video or audio cards work properly, but with reduced performance. Be sure to make a backup of the QTW.INI file before modifying it. The most common modification to the QTW.INI is to change the [Video] setting to Optimize = Driver. This may resolve severe compatibility problems with a specific video card but will also reduce the performance of Movie playback. Once, again modify at your own risk. [Video] (in order of priority) Optimize = Hardware (default) Driver BMP RAW DIB [Video Optimize] This is not used [Override] // group DREF = no or yes {NO forces QTW to use the file as self referencing, useful for QT 1.0 files} [Data Handler] CDROM Xfer Rate* = [integer] ranges from 100 to 600, where number is in K, default is 328. CDROM Seek TIme* [integer from 0 to X] where x is 100 to 350 in ms for average seek, default is 200. CDROM Block Size = [integer, expressed in K] default is 8, range is 1 to 64. Max Open Files =[integer] default is 64. Max Consumers = [integer] usually same as Max Open Files. You can have multiple consumers per file. Max Cache Size = [integer] expressed in K, default is 128, ranges from 64 to 512. Disk Xfer Rate = [integer] same as CDROM Xfer Rate, default is 300. Disk Seek TIme [integer] expressed in millisecon s per average seek, defgault is 35. Disk Block Size = [integer, expressed in K] default is 16, range is 1 to 64. Network Xfer Rate = [integer] same as CDROM Xfer Rate, defalut is 250 Network Seek TIme [integer] expressed in millisecon s per average seek, default is 40. Network Block Size = [integer, expressed in K] default is 16, range is 1 to 64. Floppy Xfer Rate = [integer] same as CDROM Xfer Rate, default is 18. Floppy Seek TIme [integer] expressed in millisecon s per average seek, default is 100. Floppy Block Size = [integer, expressed in K] default is 2, range is 1 to 64. [Sound] Requested Rate = [integer] ranging from 5000 to 44000 (has to be exact rate for MPC cards) Actual Rate = same possible rates as requested * Set dynamically by QuickTime for Windows, based on what it senses as the CD-ROM speed. END OF QUICKTIME FOR WINDOWS 1.1 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION